Joseph R. Royce Research Conference

The Joseph R. Royce Research Conference showcases psychology research conducted in the Department of Psychology and the broader university and Edmonton community.

We invite you to present your psychology research at the Joseph R. Royce Research Conference, to be held on April 4th, 2025 from 9 am - 5 pm in the Biological Sciences Building Central Wing. Joseph R. Royce Research Conference showcases research in the Psychology Department at the University of Alberta and psychology research in the broader university and Edmonton community.

We invite submissions from anyone who has research to present on any aspect of psychology. We ask for your help in spreading the word, especially to graduate and undergraduate students. This is a great way to learn about the diverse range of psychology research conducted on campus, and also to find out about research that students may want to contribute to themselves.


Deadline for submissions: Thursday, March 6, 2025.

Submit your abstract online
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Chris Westbury
Chris F. Westbury

Dr. Chris Westbury

University of Alberta

Title: TBD

Dr. Chris Westbury is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Alberta. He is a clinically-trained research psychologist whose work focuses on understanding the cognitive structure and neurological underpinnings of language. He has a particular interest in semantics, or what it means for words to have meaning. He mainly uses experimental methods and statistical/ computational modeling. He also, occasionally, uses functional imaging and patient studies.


Keynote Speaker: Dr. Daniel Kopala-Sibley

Dr. Daniel Kopala-Sibley

University of Calgary

Title: TBD

Dr. Daniel C. Kopala-Sibley is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Calgary. His research focuses on how early developmental experiences, particularly parenting and life stress, influence personality development, brain function, and the risk of depression and anxiety disorders in youth. A key aspect of his work is identifying predictors of the first onset of internalizing psychopathology, especially in adolescents at high risk due to parental history. His studies incorporate neural, cognitive, and environmental factors to better understand vulnerability to mental health disorders.


Royce Organizing Committee

Norman R. Brown Chair Wendy Hoglund
Lynn Anderson-Cook Nicole Kiffiak
Eunchan Na Eamin Zahan Heanoy
Jerome Foo Öykü Ekinci
Malek Doughan Jingyi Zhang
Crystal Pavlis Sofia Garrido Villegas
Sarah Kalis Avigna Jena
Maya Abdulhak Maya Ayoubi
Mohamed Elhenawy