Academic Staff
* This person is NOT accepting graduate student applications for 2025/2026.
Baerveldt, Cor *(PhD, University of Nijmegen) |
Associate Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: Self, emotion and culture Office: BS-P345 Phone: 780-492-5263 Email: Profile Page: |
Brown, Norman(PhD, University of Chicago) |
Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: Autobiographical memory, collective memory, basic memory processes, judgment and decision making, cognitive aspects of survey methodology. Office: BS-P563 Phone: 780-492-4604 Email: Profile Page: |
Caplan, Jeremy(PhD, Brandeis University) |
Professor, Psychology Science
Colbourne, Fred *(PhD, Memorial University) |
Professor, Psychology ScienceResearch: Rodent models of stroke (i.e., focal ischemia, intracerebral hemorrhage). Recovery after stroke (i.e., experimental rehabilitation treatments). Neuroprotective interventions for stroke (i.e., therapeutic hypothermia). Office: BS-P459 Phone: 780-492-5268 Email: Profile Page: |
Dawson, Mike *(PhD, University of Western Ontario) |
Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: Foundations of cognitive science Office: BS-P565 Email: Profile Page: Biological Computation Project: |
Dickson, Clayton *(PhD, University of Calgary) |
Professor, Psychology Science
Dixon, Roger *(PhD, Pennsylvania State University) |
Professor, Psychology ScienceResearch: We conduct longitudinal and epidemiological research in multiple integrated aspects of neurocognitive aging. For example, we investigate trajectories and transitions associated with a spectrum of outcomes such as healthy and normal aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s disease. Our studies include assessment of the influence of biomarkers, such as genetic, health, metabolomic, lifestyle, and other dementia risk and protective factors. Office: BS-P579 Email: Profile Page: Professional Website: Victoria Longitudinal Study Website: |
Dyson, Benjamin(PhD, University of York, UK) |
Associate Professor, Psychology Arts (On sabbatical July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)Research: I use behavioural and electrophysiological measures to see how decision-making changes as a function of competitive environments. Recent studies have focused on how people play Rock, Paper, Scissors against different kinds of opponents, and how an early neural signal (feedback-related negativity; FRN) acts as a catalyst for determining the quality of subsequent action. Our lab also looks at the production and perception of art, and, how signals from the ear and the eye are combined into multi-modal percepts. Office: BS-P255 Email: Profile Page: Re:Cognition Lab: |
Fyshe, Alona(PhD, Carnegie Mellon University) |
Associate Professor, Psychology Science + Computing ScienceResearch: I am broadly interested in how meaning is organized in the human brain. We build machine learning models of language and compare those models to brain activity recorded while people read or listen to speech. We use EEG, fMRI, and MEG as well as some behavioral data. Office: Athabasca Hall 3-56 Email: Profile Page: |
Gagne, Christina(PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana) |
Professor, Psychology ScienceResearch: I am interested in how conceptual knowledge affects the way people understand and use language. My current research focuses on how existing concepts can be combined to create new conceptual structures. I am also examining how people use language to convey information about such structures. Office: BS-P569 Email: Profile Page: |
Guillette, Lauren(PhD, University of Alberta) |
Associate Professor, Psychology Science
Hayward, Dana(PhD, McGill University) |
Assistant Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: My research is grounded in the field of spatial attention, with a focus on how we pay attention to social information. Key questions include: (i) determining the underlying attentional mechanisms to social and non-social information; (ii) investigating how individual or group-based (i.e., autism spectrum disorder) variability shapes attention; and (iii) delineating the motivational/reward and environmental influences on attention. Office: BS-P241 Phone: 780-492-6500 Email: Profile Page: Visual Attention and Social Processes Lab: |
Hoglund, Wendy(PhD, University of Victoria) |
Associate Professor + Chair, Psychology ArtsResearch: Social, emotional, and academic development of marginalized and racialized children and adolescents. Factors that enhance or undermine social, emotional and academic competencies, including relationships with peers and teachers and setting-level processes (e.g., classroom instructional practices). Evidence-informed programs and practices designed to promote social, emotional and academic competencies. Office: BS-P237 Phone: 780-492-7147 Email: Profile Page: PEERS Lab: |
Hurd, Peter(PhD, Zoology Institute, Stockholm University) |
Professor, Psychology Science
Liu, Pan(PhD, McGill University) |
Assistant Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: I study socio-emotional processing in children and adolescents and how these processes, via interactions with other individual and environmental factors, are implicated in typical socio-emotional development and the development of anxiety and depression. I take a multi-method approach to investigating these questions, including behavioral, EEG/ERP, MRI, and eye-tracking measures. Office: BS-P361 Phone: 780-492-5197 Email: Profile Page: The Emotion, Neuroscience & Development Lab: |
Loepelmann, Karsten *(PhD, University of Alberta) |
Faculty Lecturer, Psychology ScienceResearch: Human factors and ergonomics; applications of psychology, design, and human-machine systems. Teaching, learning, and technology. Office: BS-P231 Email: Profile Page: |
Masuda, Takahiko *(PhD, University of Michigan) |
Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: Cultural variations in cognition, emotion, and motivation; multiculturalism; bilingualism; acculturation; language acquisition; pragmatics; socialization processes of cultural practices. Office: BS-P355 Phone: 780-492-7861 Email: Profile Page: |
Mathewson, Kyle *(PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) |
Associate Professor, Psychology ScienceResearch: Human psychophysiology of attention, perception, and performance. We use human behavioural studies, neuroimaging, and electrophysiological recording to gain understanding of the visual attention system. We study basic processes of the visual attention system involving oscillations in neural activity, as well as how these processes are utilized in real world tasks such as driving and video games. We are also developing and researching new technologies to non-invasively monitor physiology and brain activity. Office: BS-P455 Phone: 780-492-2662 Email: Profile Page: Mathewson Attention Perception and Performance Lab: |
Mou, Weimin(PhD, Chinese Academy of Sciences) |
Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: I am interested in two strongly interrelated questions: how people represent spatial relations among objects in the environment; and how people access spatial representations during navigation. Virtual environments are the major facility for my research. Office: BS-P585 Phone: 780-492-3601 Email: Profile Page: Virtual Environments and Spatial Cognition Lab: |
Nash, Kyle(PhD, York University) |
Associate Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: I investigate basic neural, motivational, and emotional mechanisms in personal convictions, social decisions, and intergroup behaviors. In my research, I typically combine methods from neuroscience, social psychology, and behavioural economics. Office: BS-P457 Phone: 780-492 8139 Email: Profile Page: |
Noels, Kimberly(PhD, University of Ottawa) |
Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: My research interests rest at the intersection of cultural and social psychology, applied and sociolinguistics, and communication science, particularly as these disciplines pertain to intercultural relations and communication. My current research program involves two broad lines of inquiry. The first concerns bilingualism and second language learning, with a focus on how the social context is linked people’s experience of intrinsic and self-determined motivation, the process of internalizing a new language into one’s sense of self, and the implications of motivated learning for social identity. The second centers on the role of communication in the process of cross-cultural adaptation, particularly the dynamic relation between language and identity development. Office: BS-P319L Email: Profile Page: Intercultural Communications Lab: |
Passey, Jennifer *(PhD, Queen’s University) |
Faculty Lecturer, Psychology ArtsResearch: In addition to Research Methods, I teach courses related to the Social and Cultural Psychology area, including: self and identity, interpersonal relationships, social influence, social psychology, and personality. Office: BS-P341 Email: Profile Page: |
Rast, David(PhD, Claremont Graduate University) |
Associate Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: My research focuses on the psychological processes of leadership that occur within and between small dynamic groups, such as teams or divisions, and larger social categories ranging from organizations to ethnic and national groups. More specifically, my research examines the social psychology of leadership and influence. I investigate the role of social identity processes in shaping group and organizational behavior, specifically leadership and followership. Office: BS-P319H Email: Profile Page: Group Processes and Leadership Lab: |
Schimel, Jeff *(PhD, University of Arizona) |
Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: My research is broadly concerned with understanding the psychological function of important beliefs about the self and world. The types of beliefs I have been investigating over the years have to do with 1) self-esteem, the belief that one is an object of primary value in a world of meaning (c.f., Becker, 1971); and 2) cultural worldviews, beliefs about the nature of reality. Some of my research suggests that these beliefs function, at least in part, to help people manage anxiety about death. Office: BS-P319J Email: Profile Page: |
Singhal, Anthony(PhD, York University) |
Professor Psychology ScienceResearch: Cognitive neuroscience of attention, memory, emotion, and visuomotor control. Office: BS-P249 Phone: 780-492-7847 Email: Profile Page: Attention and Action Lab: |
Singhal, Deanna *(PhD, York University) |
Faculty Service Officer (Undergraduate Teaching + Learning Program), Psychology ScienceOffice: BS-P263 Phone: 780-492-0970 Email: Profile Page: |
Spalding, Tom(PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) |
Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: My research interests are broad, but all relate to the issue of how people combine information in the course of learning, comprehension, and inference. This overarching interest has led to research on concepts, conceptual combination, memory, word meanings, analytic reading, and expository writing, as well as peripheral interests in spatial cognition, conceptual development, and consumer loyalty. Office: BS-P581 Email: Profile Page: |
St Jacques, Peggy(PhD, Duke University) |
Associate Professor, Psychology Science (On sabbatical July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)
Sturdy, Chris *(PhD, Queen’s University) |
Professor, Psychology Science
Westbury, Chris *(PhD, McGill University) |
Professor, Psychology ScienceResearch: Language processing (especially reading in adults), affect in language, neurolinguistics, aphasia diagnosis and classification, statistical models of language. Office: BS-P577 Email: Profile Page: Psycholinguistics Lab: |
Wiebe, Sandra *PhD, University of Minnesota |
Professor, Psychology ArtsResearch: My research examines the development of executive function and its relation to neural correlates in childhood, and how these developments relate to key predictors (i.e., physical activity, home environment) and outcomes (i.e., academic achievement). Office: BS-P243 Email: Profile Page: Alberta Brain and Cognitive Development Lab: |
Zheng, Yao(PhD, Pennsylvania State University) |
Associate Professor, Psychology Arts (On sabbatical January - December, 2024)Research: The influences of family and peer processes that shape different developmental trajectories of problem behaviors from childhood through adolescence to young adulthood, particularly with the application of advanced quantitative methodology at multiple levels of analysis and time scales in different ecological contexts. Gene-environment interplay in the development of problem behavior. Evaluation of preventative interventions that aim to prevent problem behaviors. Office: BS-P349 Phone: 780-492-0187 Email: Profile Page: Adolescent Development Lab: |
Ziolkowski, Sandra *(PhD, University of Alberta) |
Faculty Service Officer (Honors Advisor), Psychology ArtsResearch: As Coordinator of the Internship Program in Psychology, I enjoy learning about diverse topics in psychology by advising on students’ research projects, including neurofeedback, group therapy, and mindfulness. Office: BS-P247 Phone: 780-492-2530 Email: Profile Page: |