Dear Maddi...

Student wellness is a major priority for the Faculty of Science, and we want to support students in maintaining their mental health.
If you are struggling with a mental health concern or looking for advice, check out the Dear Maddi advising column. It is a joint initiative between the University of Alberta Faculty of Science and Counselling and Clinical Services (CCS). Dear Maddi articles are written by Maddalena Genovese, CCS Satellite Psychologist for the Faculty of Science and her colleagues.
The Dear Maddi advising column is published regularly through the Fall and Winter semesters, but students can submit questions at any time of year using the form below.
If you are looking for advice, or you would like to contribute ideas for potential topics please share your suggestions with our resident psychologist Maddi and look for a response in the news feed below and in SciLife, the Faculty of Science undergraduate digital newsletter.
Please note that the Dear Maddi column is not meant to address emergency situations. If you are in a crisis please contact the distress line at 780.482.4357.
Have a question for Maddi? Submit your question via this form.