Office of Research
The CSSH Office of Research drives institutional research strategy and college-relevant initiatives, including multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary activity, for the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. We work in tandem with the Research Partner Network, which provides the first point-of-contact for individual faculty members. There is also a SSHRC listserv open to faculty members to opt-in and receive emails about grant opportunities etc. Each Faculty within the College also has a Vice-Dean or Associate Dean Research, who remains a key partner and key contact for faculty members within that Faculty.
Pushed for time? Check out the one page overview of supports available for writing a grant application.
Seeking to support graduate students: Check out our tipsheet on guaranteed minimum funding.
Recent College Research NEWS
Celebrating our 2024 Vanier Scholars
Recognizing our 2023-24 partnership funding recipients
Women are poised for equality in Canadian film in 200 years
Firms embracing diversity may trade short-term pain for long-term gain
The anthropology of the baseball brawl
Recognizing new Canada Research Chairs
Conversion practices continuing despite federal ban: study
AI art generators have a place in K-12 classrooms, says researchers