Joanna Wojtkowiak
Joanna Wojtkowiak
Joanna Wojtkowiak, PhD Candidate in History at University of Wroclaw, Poland
During my studies I have participated in various exchange programs: ERASMUS as a visiting student at University of Aarhus, Denmark; in cooperation with St. Petersburg State University and Freie Universität in Berlin, Germany; visited academic institutions in Prague and St. Petersburg. I have 3 years of teaching experience - I have led several courses for undergraduate students at University of Wroclaw in Auxiliary Sciences of History, Archivists' Methodology and Paleography.
My research is focused on the tracing the signs, and if possible, the dynamic changes in the concepts of honour in Silesian medieval sources. Being the essence of tradition, values such as honour are the factors which determine society's remembering and define the way the world is perceived by a certain social group - royal Piast family in Silesia. The changing of concepts - adaptation according to political and social transformations will be analysed using sociological theory of honour. That way the studies will belong to social history. My main fields of scientific interest are methodology and history of medieval historiography, kingship ideology and political anthropology, cultural identity and textual communities in the medieval times.
E-mail: wojtkowi@ualberta.caTelephone: 780-492-6095
University of Alberta
Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies
Arts & Convocation Hall
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6G 2E6