GERM 274
GERM 274: Shaping Modern Austria in Comics
Spring 2022Instructor: Bettina Egger
T, R 1400 - 15:20
Location: TBD
Course Description, Objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes:
This course proposes an overview of Austrian comics and selected comics about Austria and Central European culture. The students will get to know Austrian comics artists, and, through selected examples, get valuable insights into modern Austrian and Central European history and culture, with a major focus on literary adaptations. This course will include discussions with actors of the Austrian comics scene and presentations of comic artists (Harald Havas, William Augel and Bettina Egger). Alongside the theoretical input, there will be an important hands-on component which encompasses small creative comics-writing exercises and, finally, a personal comics writing project related to Frank Kafka. German language skills are welcomed, but not required.