
Demand for expertise in precision health (PH) is high. Study at the University of Alberta could lead to a career in the rapidly expanding field of PH inside the academy, as a contributor within a major world leading industrial player (e.g. Google DeepMind, Pfizer, Amazon), as an entrepreneur leading your own company or as a player in the health-care system from care provider to administrator.

To increase the supply of highly qualified personnel ready to enter the ecosystem, the PHSA is taking a broad approach to capacity development by focusing on consolidating stakeholders, resources and activities to strengthen the University’s capacity in PH, and develop education and training resources for this purpose.

The PHSA seeks to further increase educational opportunities for trainees interested in precision health through the creation of research positions and formal PH curricula. Faculties are advancing activities which are foundational to the initiative’s future success, by examining how precision health concepts might be delivered and expanded within their program offerings. Some are active in delivering courses and experiential learning opportunities in partnership with the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute. Others are creating PhD and PDF positions in medical informatics and computational neuroscience. 

In addition to focusing on trainees, faculties are moving to expand their academic capacity by leveraging major federally funded programs such as the Canada Research Chair (CRC) and federally supported initiatives such as the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), and Genome Canada, dedicating chair nominations to PH.