Media Archive 2008

  • Canada's Oilsands and China's Energy Security

    December 30, 2008

    November 27, 2008, Dr. Xue Li, Research Fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and visiting scholar at the China Institute, was invited to write an article for Singapore's United Morning Pos

  • Appointment of Hillary Clinton and its potential impact on US-China relations

    December 2, 2008

    December 2, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Mactaggart Research Chair of the China Institute, was interviewed by BBC World Report Chinese Service on the implications of the appointment of Hillary Clinton as t

  • Chinas influence among African nations spurs concerns

    November 30, 2008

    Dr. Wenran Jiang, Mactaggart Research Chair of the China Institute, was quoted by Altanta Journal Constitution on China's growing influence among African nations. Dr. Jiang noted that while China look

  • Canadian scholar: Opening-up, reform policy brings earthshaking changes to China

    November 27, 2008

    November 27, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Mactaggart Research Chair of the China Institute, was quoted by Xinhua News Agency on China's significant achievements in the fields of economic performance, democ

  • Cross-strait ties meet choppy waters

    November 11, 2008

    November 11, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Mactaggart Research Chair of the China Institute, was interviewed by CCTV on the recent cross-strait relationship amid Chen Yunlin's contraversial visit to Taiwan

  • China and SCO Unite Against Challenges

    November 1, 2008

    November 01, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Mactaggart Research Chair of the China Institute, was interviewed by CCTV on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's recent summit aiming to tackle the recen

  • Commenting on China's Economy on CBC Radio

    October 24, 2008

    Mr. Gordon Houlden, director of the China Institute commented October 20 on CBC National Radio, on the impact of recent Wall Street financial crisis on China's economic growth rate for the second half

  • OMNI TV Interview on Canadian election

    October 11, 2008

    Oct. 6, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang of the China Institute was interviewed by the OMNI TV Chinese language program on the Canadian election, on the political attitudes of Chinese Canadians, and the new gov

  • CBC Radio Hop Spot on China's tainted dairy products

    October 11, 2008

    Oct. 2, 2008. Dr. Wenran Jiang of the China Institute appeared live on CBC Radio Edmonton's Hot Spot segment with host Peter Brown, and gave his analysis on the latest outbreak of tainted dairy produc

  • OMNI TV Interview on Canada-China relations

    October 11, 2008

    Oct. 2, 2008. Mr. Gordon Houlden, Director of the China Institute, was interviewed by OMNI TV in Edmonton on the current state of Canada-China relations. Given his long-time diplomatic service and the

  • Interview by CTV's Question Period on Harper's decision of not going to Beijing for the Olympics

    August 15, 2008

    August 10, 2008: Sentiment towards Stephen Harper in the Chinese community is less than loving after his decision not to go to China during the summer games. Dr. Wenran Jiang appeared on CTV's Questio

  • Revolution from below

    August 10, 2008

    August 8, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was invited to write an op-ed essay for the Globe and Mail's Saturday edition. Dr. Jiang comments on the controversial issue o

  • Getting in Shape for Games, China Strengthens Ties With Neighbors

    August 5, 2008

    August 5, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was quoted in the New York Times on China's improving relationship with neighboring Japan and Beijing's decision-making proces

  • The deadly militant attack in Xinjiang

    August 5, 2008

    August 5, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, gave a live interview to CTV Newsnet on August 5 on the militant attack in China's far west province Xinjiang and who might be

  • Ties with China stronger, Emerson says

    August 5, 2008

    August 4, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was quoted in the Globe and Mail, commenting that the new Canadian foreign minister David Emerson's appointment is "enorm

  • On Cross Country Checkup ...Beijing Olympics

    August 3, 2008

    August 3, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was interviewed by CBC Cross Country Checkup as invited expert to comment on the theme "Was China the right choice for th

  • Dr. Jiang commented on a recent report claiming China's human rights record worsening

    July 31, 2008

    July 29, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, gave a live interview to CTV Newsnet on July 29 on human rights and other issues in China prior to the Olympic games. You can

  • Are High Oil Prices Here to Stay

    July 4, 2008

    July 4th, 2008, Dr. Wang Zhen, Dean of Business Administration at the China University of Petroleum and visiting scholar at the China Institute, was interviewed by CNR discussing the rising world crud

  • A new China appears amid quake rubble

    June 21, 2008

    June 17, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was quoted in the Los Angeles Times on how China has been transforming itself, both internally and externally, in the aftermath

  • Parents' losses compounded by China's one-child policy

    June 11, 2008

    June 8, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was interviewed by CBC Newsworld on China's one-child policy and its implication for bereaved parents who lost their children in

  • China enjoys rare moment of global support

    May 27, 2008

    May 27, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was quoted in the Christian Science Monitor on China's improved international image in the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquak

  • Earthquake awakens civil activism in China

    May 24, 2008

    May 23, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was quoted in the Strait Times on the Chinese civil activism that was awakened after the Sichuan earthquake.

  • Chinese volunteers soldier on in quake aftermath

    May 24, 2008

    May 24, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was quoted by Reuters on Chinese civic activism in the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake. Read it here.

  • China's quake calms Olympic controversies

    May 17, 2008

    May 17, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was quoted by the Associated Press on political repercussion in the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake. Read it here.

  • China Tries Smile Diplomacy with Japan

    May 10, 2008

    May 5, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was invited to write an article for the BusinessWeek on China-Japan relations. Read the article here. The original was written fo

  • Tibet -- as China sees it

    April 27, 2008

    April 20, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was quoted in the Edmonton Journal on Chinese domestic reponse to Western critics of its Tibet policy. Read the article here.

  • On Canada-China relations

    April 15, 2008

    April 15, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was interviewed by the Calgary Herald while speaking at the Canadian Energy Research Institute's Annual Oil Conference on the

  • Strong yuan may be China's savior

    April 12, 2008

    April 7, 2008, Asia Times published Dr. Wenran Jiang article on Chinese currency and the US-China relations. The full text is here.

  • Globe and Mail Op-ed on the Tibet situation

    April 12, 2008

    April 4, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was invited to write an op-ed article for the Globe and Mail on the rising emotions over the Tibetan crisis. Read the full text

  • The Current Fuel Shortage in China

    March 26, 2008

    March 26, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was interviewed by Voice of America Chinese language program on the current fuel shortage in China. You can listen to the inte

  • Taiwan's Presidential Election And Its Implication on Cross Straight Relations

    March 22, 2008

    March 22, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, gave a live interview to CBC TV Newsworld on the result of the presidential election in Taiwan and cross straight relations.

  • China's Rising Soft Power And Its Impact

    March 21, 2008

    March 21, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was a guest speaker of the Asia Society at the New York City, discussing China's rising soft power and its impact. Dr. Jiang's

  • Boycotting the 2008 Beijing Olympics (CBC Radio)

    March 19, 2008

    March 18, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was a stadio guest of CBC Radio's Wildrose Forum (in both Calgary and Edmonton) for a full hour, providing analysis on, and re

  • Beijing's Dilemma

    March 17, 2008

    March 17, 2008. Dr. Wenran Jiang, acting director of the China Institute, was interviewed by the Globe and Mail on the riot in Tibet. Read the full story here.

  • Situation in Tibet

    March 17, 2008

    March 17, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, acting director of the China Institute, was interviewed by CBC Radio's morning Syndication program on the situation in Tibet. Just returned from China, Dr. Jiang was

  • China Raises Official Tibet Protest Death Toll

    March 17, 2008

    March 17, 2008, Dr. Wenran Jiang, acting director of the China Institute, was interviewed by Voice of America on the on-going tension in Tibet. Read or listen to the report here.

  • The Debate: Globalization Backlash

    February 7, 2008

    Feb. 7, 2008, Wenran Jiang, Acting Director of the China Institute, was invited by TV Ontario's AGENDA program with Steven Paikin to debate the growing discontent over globalization. You can see the d