Constellations, Winter 2015 Vol 6 No 2

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Winter 2015 issue of Constellations.

1 June 2015

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Winter 2015 issue of Constellations. This is one of our smallest issues yet, but packed with amazing undergraduate research, as usual.

This issue would not be possible without all of our contributors who submitted astounding undergraduate scholarship, as well as without all of our General Reviewers who put in effort to provide peer reviews.

We want to thank everyone who contributed over the past year, whether it was through involvement on the editorial board, peer reviewing, or presenting at our annual undergraduate conference.

Merissa Daborn, Kayla Reddecliff, Meredith Comba, and Ed Middleton are graduating this year, and we want to thank all of you for making this an incredible few years for us. We are looking forward to welcoming the new cohort of undergraduate students to the board. We can't wait to see where they lead the journal in the years to come.

Constellations, Vol 6 No 2 - read here.

All the best,

Merissa Daborn & Kayla Reddecliff