Undergraduates, Share Your Research and Help Celebrate Canada's 150th Anniversary!

The Department of History and Classics will help to launch Canada's 150th anniversary by hosting undergraduate student exhibits on any aspect of Canada's past.

6 October 2016

The Department of History and Classics will help to launch Canada's 150th anniversary by hosting undergraduate student exhibits on any aspect of Canada's past. Students may draw on past or current work, as long as they indicate a "Canadian Connection" and link in some way to Canada or Canadians in the past, including the Indigenous people here long before Canada existed. This event will feature undergraduate research and contribute to the wider community's understanding of Canada's history.

This event showcases creative, scholarly exhibits produced by undergraduate students. Students may take traditional research papers and then use modern forms and formats to talk about the past, including its relevance to today's concerns. Exhibits may include the display of objects on tables, images on trifold display boards, and the creation of comics or videos. Students may discuss a letter, photograph, item of clothing, newspaper article, map or cartoon, etc. There are many possibilities.

Graduate students will serve as judges to identify the best undergraduate exhibits and presentations. The winners will receive prizes.

Proposals are due November 14, 2016

Participants should submit a title and a brief description of their topic (about 100 words). Please indicate whether you will present individually or in pairs, and whether you will exhibit at 2:00, 3:00 or for both hours.

The event will take place January 18, 2017, 2:00 - 4:00 pm in the Old Arts Building Student Lounge and Foyer.
Free and open to all.
Drop by, take a look at the displays, and eat some cake!

Send your proposal to Letitia Johnson: lbjohnso@ualberta.ca

Contact Susan L. Smith, Professor of History Susan.L.Smith@ualberta.ca