History & Classics presents the 2019 Classical Association of Canada Western Tour Speaker

Allison Glazebrook on "Life in an Ancient Athenian Brothel" | Friday, November 1, 2019 (5:00 pm) | Tory Breezeway 1

1 November 2019

An exploration of the space of the ancient brothel, its management, the workers, and their customers, as well as business practices using literary, visual, and archaeological evidence.

Allison Glazebrook is Professor of Classics at Brock University. Her research centres on women, gender, and sexuality in ancient Greece, with a special focus on prostitution. She is co-editor of Greek Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean, 800 BCE - 200 CE (U Wisconsin Press, 2011) and House of Ill Repute: The Archaeology of Brothels, Houses, and Taverns in the Greek World (Penn Press, 2016).

All welcome.