A Book Discussion | Mykhailo Hrushevsky, "History of Ukraine-Rus'", Volume 2

The Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research invites you to an online panel on Hrushevsky’s contribution to the study of Medieval Ukrainian history.

7 June 2021


The Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research invites you to an online panel on Hrushevsky’s contribution to the study of Medieval Ukrainian history to be held on Friday, June 11 at 10 am to 12 Noon. The panel marks the publication of Vol. 2 of the History of Ukraine-Rus’ : The Eleventh to the Thirteenth Centuries, which completes the Hrushevsky Translation Project. Speakers include Chris Raffensperger, Paul Hollingsworth, and Talia Zajac.

Zoom registrationclick here
Book discussion live-streamed on the CIUS Facebook page: click here