We are excited to be part of the new CBRF PRAIRIE Hub, with LKSIoV Member Dr. Joanne Lemieux as Scientific Director

2 March 2023

One picture of test tubes and one of Joanne Lemieux 

The University of Alberta will take the lead on a new research hub for pandemic preparedness in recognition of the university’s cross-disciplinary strength in developing tools to fight COVID-19 and other potential pandemic diseases.

“To continue to protect Canadians and to build a resilient biomanufacturing ecosystem, our government is taking every action possible to be equipped with the best tools,” said François-Philippe Champagne, minister of innovation, science and industry, while announcing five hubs funded by the Canada Biomedical Research Fund today.

“We’re proud to foster the research needed to produce cutting-edge discoveries and products in our very own labs that will help us build a stronger, more robust life sciences sector that responds to the needs of Canadians for decades to come,” Champagne said.

Read the full story in UAlberta's Folio