Summer-Student-Presentation-Winners 2016

2016 Summer Student Presentation Winners

1 September 2016

The Department of Oncology is pleased to announce the winners from the "2016 Oncology Summer Student Presentation" competition!
Based on their average scores (out of a total of 60) and rankings as rated by the 15 judges, the ranking is as follows:

First Place:
Kevin Lui (Chan lab) average score 53.8, three first rankings

Second Place Tied:
Che-Min Lee (Lewis lab) average score 51.6, one first ranking
Kalutota Samarasinghe (Hitt and Evans lab) average score 51.5, three first ranking

Honorable mentions (with scores between 49-51, descending order):
Ananya Sandhu (Baker lab)
Ashley Doiron (Godbout lab)
James Xu (Moore and Lewis lab)
Courtney Mowat (Baker lab)
Emma Lee (Usmani lab)
Amy Duong (Weinfeld lab)