Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology

The Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology program (formerly Ecology) introduces students to the study of the interactions of organisms with their environment, diversity of organisms both extant and extinct, adaptations, and mechanisms behind evolutionary change.

Course offerings provide students with a foundation in plant, animal and microbial ecology and evolution, studying at the level of individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems, and at a variety of spatial and temporal scales.

Topics of study in Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology

Course offerings are divided into five major lists:

  • (A) biological diversity,
  • (B) biological processes,
  • (C) ecology and environmental biology,
  • (D) evolution and systematics,
  • (E) scientific methodology.


What are my career options with this degree?

The Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology program prepares you to get a job you'll love. Graduates of this program have been consistently in high demand and have found careers with some of the following fields and employers:

  • Corporate Biology (greenification of industry)
  • Bioinformatics
  • Eco-tourism
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Environmental Impact Assessments
  • Environmental Interpretation/Communication
  • Environmental Law
  • Environmental Law Enforcement
  • Forensic Biology
  • Environmental Policy
  • Further Education
  • Landscape Planning
  • Managing Wildlife Populations and Conservation
  • Pest and Disease Management
  • Program Development
  • Protected Areas Management
  • Research
  • Scientific Illustration