Filter Settings

This section of the configuration allows you to configure filters the Filterable Sortable Data List.

Filters will be displayed in the order that they are added in Cascade, except for the search filter which always displays first.

General Filter Options

Filters Per Row

This option sets how many filters can be side by side before creating a new row of filters. The Search box will always display on its own row.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Filter Url Parameters

When a filter is set in an FSDL, the URL is updated to reflect which filters are set to which values. This allows users to share links to pre-filtered results on the data list. This setting governs how the URL is updated based on the filter selection.

If checked, it will use the filters display name in the URL for that filter. Example URL:

If no display name is set for the filter, it will use the filter type plus the index number of that filter. Example URL:

If unchecked, it will use the filters index number as the URL parameter key. Example URL:

Important: If this setting is checked and two filters have the same display name loading a URL with those filters set may not work as expected.
Important: If this setting is changed or a filter display name is changed while this option is checked, old links that include that filter will no longer set the filter appropriately. 
Field Type
Default Value
Unchecked (False)
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Block List Filters

This option will only appear if the Display Type is set to Block within the Display List Options. This setting requires the first filter for the FSDL to be Select. When checked, the options for the filter will be shown as a list before the FSDL content is displayed. Selecting an item from that list will set the filter and display results that match.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Not Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Not Supported
Custom: Not Supported


Here you can add settings for one or more filters. To add more filters click the green + icon next to the Filters heading.

Filter Type

This sets what type of filter is being added. The different types are listed below:

Filter Type Description
Date Picker The date picker filter allows a user to pick a specific date from a calendar.
Date Range Picker The date range picker filter allows a user to pick a range of dates from a calendar.
Multiple Select The multiple select filter allows users to select more than one options from a list of choices.
Search The search filter allows users to enter text to find entries that match those text.
Select The select filter allows users to select a single option from a list of choices.
Slider A slider filter allows a user to choose a range of numbers on which to filter results down by.
Field Type
Default Value
(Nothing Selected)
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Configuration Column

Filters will only check one column to narrow down the results appropriately. This field is the index of the column in the configuration item, not the columns in the Google Spreadsheet. The index of the first column in the configuration item is 0, the second column is 1, etc.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Linked Filter

Filters can be linked so that a selection in one filter changes the options available in another filter. To link a filter, add the index of a filter configuration to the field. The index of the first filter in the configuration item is 0.

A linked filters options depend on what the parent filter has selected. Once the parent filter has had an option selected, the link filter will then populate its options accordingly based on the value of the parent filter.

If you would like to learn more about using linked filters, please submit a support request to discuss your FSDL needs with the Digital team.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Filter Value Configuration

This section is used to define the values that appear in the filter as options for users to choose.

Important: Not all filters require this configuration. It may not appear depending on which filter type you have selected.


This sets how the filters values are determined.

If Static is selected, then only the values provided in the Static Values field will be used.

If Generate Data From Unique Column Values is selected, the tool will look at all of the different values in the column and create a list of all the unique options.

Field Type
Static/Generate Data From Unique Column Values
Default Value
(Nothing Selected)
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Static Values

This is a list of options to be shown in the filter.

The options are entered as one per line, and each line should be in the format Display Name=Value. Example:

  • Option 1=value1
  • Option 2=value2
  • Option 3=value3

The value should have no spaces and can be plain text or a JSON object. The JSON object should look like this:

{type:"Type",format:"Format", value:"Value"}

The different options of the JSON object are described in more detail below:

Important: If you are using JSON objects you need to set the field Value Format to the JSON option, or they will not be processed properly.
Type Format Value Example
date The format is the date format you want to parse out of a date object. Example would be M to get the numerical representation of the month. The value is the value that you want the parsed result to match. January={"type":"date","format":"M", "value":1}
This will attempt to match dates that have a month of 1 (or January)

You can also specify an array of values to match more than one value. An example of that would be having a value of [1,3] that would match dates that have a month of 1 or 3 (January or March)
daterange The format is the date format you want to parse out of a date object. Example would be M to get the numerical representation of the month. The value is the value that you want the parsed result to match. January - March={"type":"daterange","format":"M", "value":"1|3"}
This will attempt to match dates whos months are January, February or March (Months 1 to 3)
number No format options. The numeric value you are looking to match. Can be used to explicitly match numbers instead of strings with numbers in them. Fifteen={"type":"number","value":15}
This will attempt to match number values that are 15 in the column.

You can also specify an array of values to match more than one value. An example of that would be having a value of [15,23] that would match number values that are 15 or 23.
string No format options. The value to be directly matched. Other={"type":"string","value":"Other"}
This will attempt to match a column's value directly.

You can also specify an array of values to match more than one value. An example of that would be having a value of ["Other", "Another"] that would match values for Other or Another
Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Value Format

This option sets how the filters values should be processed. All of the available formats are listed below:

Format Details
Default Take the value as is, no additional processing. Only if the filter value directly matches the column value is the row selected.
JSON Object Parse the value as a JSON object and process based on the options specified (see above).
Compare Against Column Value Compares the filter value to the column value for partial matches. Supports the following operators:
  • ! - If the filter value starts with an exclamation point any column values that do not match the filter value are selected.
  • * - If the filter value contains an asterisk it treats the asterisk as a wildcard matching any characters. Example: A filter value of *llo would match the column values Hello and Jello, but not Jellos.
  • Text - If the filter value is just text (does not contain any of the above characters) then the comparer will look to see if the filter text is contained anywhere within the column value and select it as a match if it is.
Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Search Configuration

This section is used to set up the search filter.

Important: This section will only appear if the search filter type is chosen.

Columns To Search Against

The Search filter will search within any column index listed in this field to match against a search term. The column does need not to be displayed in the data list to be used by the Search filter. Use comma-seperated numbers to determine which columns of the Google Sheet to use when searching for matches. Column A of the Google Sheet is index 0, Column B is index 1, etc.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Slider Configuration

This section is used to set up the slider filter.

Important: This section will only appear if the slider filter type is chosen.

Title Text

This is the text that will appear above the slider filter.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Lower Value

This is the lowest numeric value that the slider can have.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Upper Value

This is the highest value the slider can have.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Slider Step

This is the numeric value that the slider will move when moved one position.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Selected Text

The text that appears in front of the text indicating the range that has been selected.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Filter Display

This section is used to set some display options for the filter.


Enter the title of the filter in this field. It appears above the filter.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Placeholder Text

Text entered to this field will be shown in a filter before an option is entered or selected.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Help Text

If any text is entered in this field, a help icon will appear beside the filter. When a user clicks on the icon, a help dialog box will display the text.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Filter Styling

This section is used to set up any custom CSS classes for this filter.

Wrapper Class

Use this field to add any CSS classes to the HTML element that contains the filter.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported

Filter Class

Use this field to add any CSS classes to the HTML element that makes up the filter.

Field Type
Default Value
Display Types Supported
Table: Supported
Block: Supported
Grid: Supported
Custom: Supported