2020 Online Teaching Institute

Welcome to the 2020 Online Teaching Institute: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) across the digital teaching and learning divide. Explore teaching workshops and presentations intended to help you develop your teaching whether you are new to teaching or a more seasoned instructor.

The Main Room (Room A) requires registration; the Q&A Room (Room B) does not.


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Opening Remarks with John Nychka (Room A)


Watch the Opening Remarks Now
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9:00 - 10:30 (Room A)
Gender Pronouns, Teaching and Learning, and Cultures of Respect with Keynote Tommy Mayberry


We’ve all done it. Said the wrong pronoun, used the wrong name, and/or otherwise referred to someone in some sexed/gendered way and immediately wished we could take it back. (And, guess what? We are all going to do it – we’re all human; we all make mistakes.) So, how can we as instructors forestall these mistakes in our teaching practices and activate in ourselves an inclusive ideology for gender and sexed identities in our classrooms? In this keynote, we’ll start with some grammar and linguistic history to identify where these words come from in our language and how they work (and don’t work), and then we’ll discuss impacts and impasses of privilege and inclusivity to get us into some strategies for positive engagement with gender pronouns and teaching and learning. We’ll wrap up with highlighting pronoun awareness and cultures of respect to ultimately reflect on whiteness, marginalization, trauma, and continued struggle.

Send your questions to Tommy at ctl.guide/QATommy.

Coming up...

10:45 - 12:15 (Room A)


Metacognition: Developing Successful Learners in Remote Learning Environments
Special Guest Dr. Greg Thomas, Professor, Secondary Education

Presentation slides available here.

12:15 - 13:00 (Room A)


Engaging Your Students with Online Readings: New Library Tool!
CJ de Jong, Access Services Coordinator, Librarian
Kim Frail, Public Services Librarian

13:00 - 13:45 (Room A)


Creating an Engaged Remote Learning Environment while Remaining Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive
Jennifer Ward, Educational Developer, Indigenous-Focused

Send your questions to Jen at ctl.guide/QAJen.



14:00 - 14:45 (Room A)


Using Self-Assessment in Online Classes to Promote Students’ Learning
Ellen Watson, Senior Educational Developer, Assessment

Send your questions to Ellen at ctl.guide/QAEllen.

15:00 - 15:45 (Room A)


Classroom Management in Zoom and on eClass: The Importance of an Impactful Virtual Teaching Presence
Dr. Cosette Lemelin, Assistant Director

Send your questions to Cosette at ctl.guide/QACosette.

16:00 - 16:45 (Room A)


Synchronous Teaching: Moving Beyond the Question & Answer
Graeme Pate, Educational Developer, Technology

Send your questions to Graeme at ctl.guide/QAGraeme.