CMPUT 605 - Individual Study

CMPUT 605 is an individual study course, in which a graduate student works under a professor on a topic that is not covered in any currently offered graduate classes. The course takes place during an academic term, and the student is expected to do an amount of work equivalent to a regular class (though individual study often amounts to more work). Students require the approval of a professor to take a CMPUT 605 course and can not enroll themselves in a CMPUT 605 course on Bear Tracks


  • During the start of each Fall and Winter semester, the Associate Dean Graduate and the Graduate Program and HR Administrator will email faculty and graduate students regarding requests for individual study courses, including firm deadlines.
  • Requests for CMPUT 605 courses are done via a Google Form, emails are not accepted. (The Graduate Program and HR Administrator will be in communication about the instructions on how to submit requests for CMPUT 605 courses)
  • Faculty will need to provide a syllabus so the Associate Dean Graduate can review, see below for details.
  • If/once the Associate Dean Graduate approves, the Graduate Program and HR Administrator will notify the instructor and enroll the student in the course, by the add/delete deadline of each semester


If you (student and professor) are considering a CMPUT 605 course, you should first meet to formulate the details into a succinct syllabus which includes:

  • Title of the course
  • People involved (professor, student)
  • High-level description of the goals of the course
  • Workload
    • What the student will read, discuss, implement, explore...
      • Relevant readings (sources)
      • Overview of any implementation
  • Timeline
    • Meeting schedule
    • Possible deadlines for specific aspects
  • Evaluation method