CMPUT 411 - Introduction to Computer Graphics


Computer graphics is a widely used in all video games, in creating special effects in feature films, and in full length animation movies.

The goal of this course is to introduce students to some basic techniques in computer graphics. A seemingly simple problem of generating a straight line can reveal many fascinating problems in computer graphics.

The mathematical foundation in understanding the process of creating a three-dimensional object and the rendering of it will be discussed. In the course, you are expected to learn OpenGL and Qt. OpenGL is probably the most widely used graphics API while Qt is a cross platform GUI application framework which has gained much popularity in industry.


  • Understand basic 2D curve generation methods
  • Understand the mathematical foundation of transformation and its use in computer graphics
  • Be able to raytrace
  • Be able to use simple matting techniques
  • Be able to use OpenGL and Qt

Course Work

  • Assignments
  • Lab exercises