CMPUT 302 - Introduction to Human Computer Interaction


A complementary course to introductory software engineering focused on a user-centered approach to software design. The main themes are how humans interact with physical and information environments, and how to design software with human's information needs and their cognitive capacities in mind. Topics include the user-centered design cycle and evaluation methods for discovering usability problems in interface design.


  • Students will understand how human-perception relates to user interface design through their application of design principles and analysis of user interfaces
  • Students will be able to design system features that support user comprehension of complex information or tasks.
  • Students will be able to decompose interactions into their constituent physical and cognitive elements to improve existing systems or features.
  • Students will learn to select appropriate prototyping methods for their projects.
  • Students will learn how to select usability evaluation methods based on the evaluation's goal and the population who is meant to use the system.

Course Work

  • Labs
  • Projects
  • Team Project
  • Presentations
  • Midterm(s)
  • Final Exam