Guidance on Requesting Term Feedback and Letters of Reference

Updated information about how to best to request performance feedback from your instructors.

27 April 2020

Posted: April 27, 10:30 a.m.

To University of Alberta students:

Dear students,

We’d like to start by letting you know how proud we are of you and all that you’ve done this semester. It has not been easy. 

We have been forced to do things differently this term, and now that the semester is ending, that has led to questions about how to best to request performance feedback from your instructors. We’ve also heard from those who hope to have access to a formal letter that explains the CR/NC grading system developed for this term. Last week, the General Faculties Council came together to discuss and decide the best means to address this. As a result, we would like to offer you the following supports and information:

  • You can now download a standard, official U of A letter from the Vice-Provost and University Registrar that includes an explanation of the institution-wide change in grading to CR/NC for Winter 2020.
  • Grades and performance feedback for the Winter 2020 term will not be used by the University of Alberta for any admissions and central awards/scholarship selection decisions.
  • Should you require a letter of reference, please clearly indicate what the letter is for (e.g. applying to a program at another university, an external bursary, etc).

Your instructors appreciate the hard work that you invested in your courses this past semester and understand the challenges experienced as COVID-19 disrupted our usual study environment. By using the information above you will help instructors respond to requests in a timely manner.

All of our students at the University of Alberta have been significantly impacted by COVID-19. University student support services are open and accessible remotely through a variety of means; please see the links below. If you are unsure of which services you may need, email


André Costopoulos
Vice-Provost & Dean of Students

Brooke Milne
Vice Provost and Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research

Melissa Padfield
Vice-Provost & University Registrar