About the ALES Strategic Plan
This page describes work completed as part of the 2017-2021 strategic plan.
Who we are:
Members of the 2016 strategic planning team are:
- Stan Blade (Dean)
- Vic Adamowicz (Vice-Dean)
- Frank Robinson (Special Advisor to the Dean)
- Barb Thomas (Associate Dean, Research)
- Nat Kav (Associate Dean, Academic & Associate Dean, Graduate Studies)
- Heather Bruce (Chair, Department of AFNS)
- Rhonda Breitkreuz (Chair, Department of Human Ecology)
- Nadir Erbilgin (Chair, Department of Renewable Resources)
- John Parkins (Chair, Department of REES)
Where we began:
On December 15, 2015, the Faculty of ALES leadership team met to begin the strategic planning process. Each of the four departments and the faculty office presented their current state and a look forward. Each leader provided content as per the outline below:
A. Why does my department / area do what we do?
B. What does my department / area do?
C. How well we carry out the functions of the department / area? What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
D. Who are the stakeholders?
E. What are the emerging trends that will affect us?
F. Where is the department / area headed?
Where we are:
After almost two years of analysis (internal and external), we have a new strategic plan. We have completed the consultative part of strategic planning and now we are ready to implement what we know is the vision forward for achieving success of our three goals: enhancing the student experience, increasing connections to our community and turning science into to solutions for the public good.
Where we are going:
We have lofty goals, and we mean to achieve them.
While there are a multitude of faculty priorities, the strategic planning team have three areas of focus for the next five years.
We want to:
- Enhance the student experience
- Increase connections to our community
- Turn science into solutions for the public good
Contact Us
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental SciencesUniversity of Alberta
2-06 Agriculture-Forestry Centre
phone: 780.492.7332