MT180 - My thesis in 180 seconds
28 October 2020

Organized under the aegis of Acfas and its Alberta branch, the "Ma thèse en 180 secondes" (MT180) competition allows doctoral students to present their research topic in simple terms to a diverse and lay audience. Each student is required to make a clear, concise and yet compelling presentation of their research project in three minutes.
For the first time this year, the competition is open to Alberta universities. However this first edition will have a different spin… It will feature both master's and doctoral students who will present their research in French in videos of approximately 3 minutes. You will have the opportunity to vote online for your favorite candidate. The winner will receive a cash prize as well as a recognition award from Acfas-Alberta.
For further details, to view the videos and to vote, please visit the MT180 page: