The Chancellor's Forum is an initiative of the University of Alberta Senate that invites the public to campus to engage with a timely topic related to the University of Alberta.
Chancellor Peggy Garritty hosted a panel conversation aimed at addressing the stigma surrounding those without safe and secure housing and delving into evidence-informed solutions to address the complex issue of houselessness.
Our panelists included leaders of vital community organizations who serve members of our community that have been marginalized, as well as dedicated researchers from the University of Alberta. They sought to break down misconceptions, challenge stereotypes and contribute to a more compassionate and informed understanding of houselessness.
Our Speakers:
Keynote Speaker: Tim Richter (Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness)
- Sandra Bucerius (Faculty of Arts)
- Monty Ghosh (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry)
- Joshua Evans (Faculty of Science)
- Cheryl Whiskeyjack (Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society)
- Jordan Reiniger (Boyle Street Community Services)
Moderator: Ryan Jespersen (Real Talk)
Academic Partner: College of Social Sciences and Humanities
Media Sponsors: and Relay Communications
2022-11 - Food for the Future: Cost, Climate, and Creating Security
This Chancellor's Forum was an opportunity to discuss how to build a sustainable and resiliant food system.
Isha Datar - Executive Director, New Harvest
Ellen Goddard - Professor and Co-operative Chair, Agricultural Marketing and Business
William Shotyk - Bocock Chair for Agriculture and the Environment
Gleise M. Silva - BCRC-Hays Chair in Beef Production Systems
Alison Sunstrum - CEO of CNSRV-X, co-CEO/Founder of GrowSafe Systems
Moderator - Senator Paula Simons
Academic Partner - Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences
2022-05 - What Does Artificial Intelligence Mean For Me? My Job, My Health, My Family, My Home, and My Community?
- Where are we now in the relationship between human and artificial intelligence?
- How will the world continue to change because of AI?
- How do I adapt?
This Chancellor's Forum was an opportunity to consider advances in scientific knowledge as well as the social, political and economic possibilities of artificial intelligence.
Nicole Denier - Dr. Nicole Denier is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Alberta.
Hero Laird - Hero Laird is a student at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law.
J Ross Mitchell - Dr. Mitchell is a professor in the Department of Medicine, a Fellow with the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute and the Senior Program Director of AI Adoption with Alberta Health Services.
Eleni Stroulia - Dr. Eleni Stroulia is Acting Vice Dean in the Faculty of Science and the Director of the AI4Society Signature Area.
Moderator - Ryan Jespersen, host, Real Talk
Academic Partners - Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science
Event Partners - AI4Society, Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute)
2019 - The Opioid Crisis: Perspectives on Health and Harm
The crisis dominates headlines with tragic statistics: TWO Albertans die EVERY DAY from an opioid overdose. How did we get here? How do we stop this? Evidence and experience from the frontline show it's time to shift our efforts: how will we address the human and social conditions at the root of this crisis?
Kathryn Dong - Director, Inner City Health and Wellness Program and Addiction Recovery Community Health (ARCH) Team, Royal Alexandra Hospital; Addiction medicine physician, ARCH Team; Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta
Elaine Hyshka - Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, University of Alberta; Scientific Director, Inner City Health and Wellness Program, Royal Alexandra Hospital; Co-chair, Minister's Opioid Emergency Response Commission
Donald MacPherson - Executive Director, Canadian Drug Policy Coalition
Mike Serr - Chief of Police, Abbotsford Police Department; Chair, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Drug Advisory Committee
Shanell Twan - Outreach Worker and Community Liaison, Inner City Health and Wellness Program, Royal Alexandra Hospital; Member, Alberta Addicts Who Educate And Advocate Responsibility and Canadian Association of People Who Use Drugs
Moderator - Ryan Jesperson, Host, The Ryan Jespersen Show, 630 CHED
Academic Partner - School of Public Health
Other Partners - University of Alberta Alumni Association, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University Relations
Sponsor - Royal Alexandra Hosptial Foundation
2018 - Pride or Prejudice? Vriend v. Alberta at 20
Considered one of the 10 most important decisions impacting the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of the landmark Vriend decision by the Supreme Court of Canada that unanimously held that the lack of protection for discrimination based on sexual orientation in Alberta's human rights legislation was an unconstitutional violation of Charter equality rights.
University of Alberta alumni and faculty, acting on a pro bono basis, played key roles in the Vriend case. The University of Alberta is honoured and celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Vriend decision by launching the inaugural Chancellor's Forum as part of U of A Pride Week 2018.
Madam Justice Sheila Greckol - Alberta Court of Appeal, lead counsel for Delwin Vriend
Justice Julie Lloyd - Provincial Court Judge and co-counsel to Canadian Bar Association (intervenor)
Michael Phair - Chair, University of Alberta Board of Governors, LGBTQ2 champion and former City Councillor
Doug Stollery - Chancellor, University of Alberta, co-counsel for Delwin Vriend
Kristopher Wells - Former iSMSS Faculty Director and Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
Moderator - Paula Simons - Former City Columnist for the Edmonton Journal
Academic Partner - Faculty of Law
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Chancellor's Forum
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Office of the Chancellor & Senate
322 Arts & Convocation Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2E6