Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies
Trauma-Sensitive Practice

The next intake for this program is for Fall 2026 (September). The application portal will be open from November 1, 2025 to April 30, 2026. See How to Apply for details.
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This innovative transdisciplinary four-course sequence is designed specifically for teachers, health-care professionals, and school staff (consultants, leaders) to build multi-perspectival knowledge and skills required to meet a wide-range of needs of children, youth, and adults, including trauma-based responses. Such understanding will be developed through strategies, methods, and intercultural pathways for diverse learning contexts. Trauma-sensitive pedagogy, trauma-informed practice, and trauma-specialized knowledge, as theory and praxis frame and shape the courses comprising the graduate certificate.
The four courses are built in an experiential sequence to extend understanding underpinning neurobiological, evolutionary, psychodynamic, and collective (intergenerational, transgenerational, ecological/place, war, violence, etc.) trauma theories.
This unparalleled program design seeks to contribute to a paradigmatic shift that respects and champions relational consciousness and communal care through transformative learning. Change here begins with ourselves in relation to cohort participants and the ecologies in which we live. Limited enrollment seeks to optimize embodied learning. Be part of this exciting opportunity.
- This program can ladder into a Master's degree. Click here for more information.
- This program does not qualify students for Alberta Teacher Certification.
An educational experience like no other
The Trauma Sensitive Practice program is featured in the Fall 2023 issue of Illuminate, the Faculty of Education's alumni newsletter. This in-depth article focuses on the content and impact of the program, as well as the instructor and student point-of-view.

Program Goals
The following program goals are specific to Trauma-Sensitive Practice:
- Develop a nuanced understanding of what trauma means/is and understand the obvious and less-obvious causes of trauma
- Acquire a critical understanding of “kinds of” trauma and the different theories and approaches used to address trauma in diverse learning environments
- Engage in processes and practices such as somatic, contemplative, expressive-centred arts and practices, including reflection that can be used to support psycho-social, emotional, physical, and spiritual learning and trauma-impacted learning
- Demonstrate ways to integrate processes and practices such as expressive arts, journaling, movement, contemplation, and reflection across ages and disciplines relevant to your learning contexts
Potential Impact on Professional Practice
The following program outputs are specific to Trauma-Sensitive Practice:
- Become familiar with body reactions, stress responses, and regulation
- Differentiate behaviours related to dysregulation
- Create and apply bottom-up and top-down strategies
- Integrate creative thinking across disciplines
- Understand the impact of attachment
- Use polyvagal-informed practice
- Demonstrate ways to integrate a vast range of experiential practices into professional aims across diverse contexts
- Build professional network
- Acquire a multi-perspectival professional library and resource bank
- Deepen familiarity with inclusive practices
- Become skilled at discerning among crisis, duress, and stress
- Be better able to assess a situation and respond effectively
- Develop capacity, resilience, empathy, and presence
- Contribute to professional satisfaction
- Improve sense of balance and wellness
- Enhance delight and vitality