Materials Testing Lab

The Material Testing Laboratory in the Mechanical Engineering Building features a vast portfolio of research and testing equipment available to students and researchers across the University of Alberta. Our goal is to provide an excellent testing service that helps with research and individual projects through hands-on experimental techniques.
Our capabilities range from conducting combinations of torque, load, and cyclic pressure tests as well to providing precise geometric measurements with a variety of metrology instruments. We also offer testing services to outside academic and industry clients to support innovation and respond to the challenges.
Our testing equipment includes:
- Instron 5966 Dual Column Table Frame
- MTS 810 Material Test System
- MTS 312.21 Fatigue Test Loading Frame
- Thermotron Environmental Chamber
- Hotpack Supermatec Oven
Training is available on:
- Instron 5966, MTS 810, MTS 312.21, and Environmental Chamber for customers requiring frequent use.