David & Joan Lynch School of Engineering Safety & Risk Management


Additional Presence of The School

The School delivers a number of lectures beyond the course offerings:

  • Introductory lectures on safety and risk management to entry-level and final year engineering students in all engineering fields of study.
  • Content-specific lectures to support major design courses so that risk management assessments and techniques are incorporated.
  • Summary lectures to all co-op engineering students prior to the beginning of their first term of work to ensure that they understand the basics in workplace safety, professional conduct, and risk management practices.

Engineering Students

  • Industrial Professors regularly present at industry safety / risk management forums, corporate safety symposia, conferences, and professional development seminars.
  • The School works with APEGA (Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta), to develop and establish suitable guidelines and codes of practice for professional engineers.
  • The School has collaborated with The University's Department of Employee Health and Safety to develop university-wide initiatives such as "PPE for the Lab" and "The On-line Laboratory Safety Training Course" for students, researchers, lab-users and managers, and principle investigators.