Call for Papers

Cognitive and Functional Approach to the Study of Japanese as a Second Language

1 November 2012

We invite submission of abstracts for presentations that take cognitive and functional approaches to the study of acquisition of Japanese as a second language. The areas of study can include but are not limited to: phonetics, phonology, lexicon, semantics, morphosyntax, and discourse-pragmatics, or issues in pedagogy, usage-based approach and language processing. Researchers who work in different cognitive and/or functional frameworks are encouraged to apply. The conference language will be English. Registration is free.

Please send your abstract of no more than 500 words, with examples and references, via email at, before February 10, 2013. Figures, tables, examples, and references, which do not count towards the 500 words, may be included on a second page. Please submit your anonymous abstract with title in PDF format, with the following information in the email message: Title of paper, Name of author(s), Affiliation(s), Address(es), Phone number(s), and email address(es). Notification of acceptance will be send out by February 28, 2013.

Accepted abstracts for presentations will be allotted 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. Extended version of selected papers will be invited for publication in a volume (TBD) following the symposium.