JLPT Help Sessions

Get ready for the test on December 1st!

6 November 2013

The Prince Takamado Japan Centre will be hosting a series of help sessions to help those preparing for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Whether this is your first test, or your fifth, these help sessions will give you an edge when taking the nationalized test.

Help sessions are lead by a seasoned expert in the Test, and will go through all three sections of the test: Grammar, Vocabulary and Listening. With real examples from past tests, these help sessions are the perfect preparation, no matter what level you are writing!

Help Sessions are on a walk-in basis, so please join us in TELUS Centre 235.

Monday, Nov. 18: 11:00AM-12:00PM
Wednesday, Nov. 20: 1:00PM-2:00PM
Tuesday, Nov. 26: 11:00AM-12:00PM
Wednesday, Nov. 27: 1:00PM-2:00PM **NOTE THE TIME CHANGE**

Questions? Contact the Centre at ptjc@ualberta.ca