Advocacy Wellness Resource Committee

The purpose of the Advocacy Wellness Resource Committee (AWRC) is to promote professionalism within the Department of Pediatrics. Its goal is to educate, advocate, and provide resources to Department of Pediatrics members in the areas of professionalism and appropriate conduct. The AWRC will maintain a high level of confidentiality while assisting with guidance and mediation when possible, and develop and provide an individual action plan to the faculty members concerned. The AWRC aims to create a safe and confidential environment for Department of Pediatrics members to discuss concerns or conflicts with the goal of informal resolution within the Department of Pediatrics, prior to the progression to a formal process.

The AWRC will develop programs and processes in alignment with governing bodies for guiding professional conduct (University of Alberta, Alberta Health Services, etc), provide resources (electronic material, workshops, etc), and develop internal processes to address departmental concerns brought to the committee.

The FoMD professionalism committee deals with formal complaints initiated by The Professionalism Button, and these are forwarded to the Department Chair to resolve.

If you are a faculty member and you have concerns, please consult the access algorithm below which shows the various access points to the committee:


AWRC access aglorithm

AWRC Access Algorithm (click to enlarge and download (PDF))

Advocacy Wellness Resource Committee

Advocacy Wellness Resource Committee

Elizabeth Rosolowsky (Chair)
Daniel Garros
Jay Kassiri
Kumar Kumaran
Melanie Lewis
Mikhaila Skehor
Bev Wilson