Hume & Penelhum: A Celebration

The program of the conference 'Hume & Penelhum: A Celebration,' to be held July 18-22 in Calgary, has been announced.

9 May 2012

The program of the conference 'Hume & Penelhum: A Celebration' has been announced. The meeting will take place July 18-22, 2012 in Calgary, sponsored by the departments of philosophy of the Universities of Alberta and Calgary and co-sponsored by the Hume Society. The conference features panels on:

  • Themes from Penelhum: Self, Will, Religion
  • Hume and Rousseau: On the Occasion of Rousseau's 300th Birthday
  • Nominalism and Relations

For more information, see

Conference Directors: Amy Schmitter (University of Alberta), Jennifer Welchman (University of Alberta), Ann Levey (University of Calgary), and Wade Robison (Rochester Institute of Technology).