"Bios: Feminist Philosophies of Life" conference in Banff

philoSOPHIA: A Feminist Society will hold its next meeting on May 2-5, 2013 in Banff

2 December 2012

Organized by Chloë Taylor, philoSOPHIA: A Feminist Society will hold its 7th annual meeting on May 2–5, 2013 in Banff, Alberta. Dedicated to the topic Bios: Feminist Philosophies of Life, the conference will feature Kelly Oliver, Mary Rawlinson, Hasana Sharp, and Cynthia Willett as plenary speakers.

Detailed program

The Department of Philosophy of the University of Alberta is co-sponsoring the event, and several department members will present at the meeting: Professor Cressida Heyes, graduate students Catherine Clune-Taylor, Rachel Loewen-Walker, Kristin Rodier, Yasemin Sari, and Joshua St. Pierre. Former graduate student Megan Dean will likewise present and undergraduate students Brittne Tink and Bianca Knull will be moderating sessions.