Free Application Days

In the spirit of reconciliation and to honour Residential School survivors, the U of A once again hosted Free Application Days from September 30 - October 6, 2023.

Back of an Indigenous person in regalia wearing an orange heart-shaped beaded hair-piece

Any self-identifying First Nations, Métis, or Inuit student who submitted an application to a participating program between September 30 and before October 6 had their application fee waived.

Free Application Days 2023 Has Ended

If you submitted an application during Free Application Days be sure to check the status of your application regularly via Launchpad. You can upload your Indigenous identity documents, update your courses and grades throughout the year, and apply for Indigenous awards.

To speak with an Indigenous recruiter about managing your application, email

Indigenous Identity Documents

Indigenous identity documentation can be uploaded to your account via the Launchpad portal after you apply and up until you receive an official decision.*

We strongly recommend any student who has self-identified for a free application to upload their documents as soon as possible.

The eligible Indigenous identity document list can be found on the First Nations, Métis or Inuit Awards page. Students should add a clear picture of the front and back of cards and/or clear copies of official letters of confirmation to their checklist. The U of A recognizes that Indigeneity and connecting to your Indigenous identity can be a complex process. We work closely with the U of A Committee on the Documentation of Indigeneity to review documentation that is not listed.

Identity documents are not required as part of the evaluation for an admission unless you have applied to an exclusive Indigenous program or Indigenous stream.

*If you receive a final decision and wish to upload your documentation but cannot, please email with images of your documentation and a member of the Office of the Registrar will upload it to your account.

Want to know more about coming to the U of A? If you’re a First Nations, Métis or Inuit prospective student, we have many programs, funding opportunities and other supports — find what’s right for you!

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