Update on AASUA Collective Bargaining

Last week, the bargaining teams for the University of Alberta and AASUA continued their collective bargaining negotiations. To date, the parties have had productive discussions regarding several articles of the collective agreement.

19 January 2021

Last week, the bargaining teams for the University of Alberta and AASUA continued their collective bargaining negotiations. To date, the parties have had productive discussions regarding several articles of the collective agreement, such as:

  • Definitions and Abbreviations
  • Association Recognition
  • Discipline
  • Grievance
  • Faculty Evaluation

Both parties have also tabled proposals for a new article in the collective agreement aimed at enhancing employment equity, diversity and inclusivity at the university. 

The parties' opening proposals on benefits have been presented at a meeting of the joint Academic Benefits Management Committee. Discussions will continue at this Committee and/or at the bargaining table. Salary discussions are also still to come.

While the bargaining teams have worked through many provisions so far, few whole articles are fully complete at this stage of negotiations. The parties continue to work diligently and collegially towards that goal. More bargaining meeting dates are scheduled this week and next.