CS Conditions of Use

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The following Conditions of Use should be read prior to obtaining a computer account, using a Computing Science machine or using any Computing Science computing facility. This includes any networks in Computing Science. Failure to do so, or to be required to do so, does not exempt any user from the Conditions Of Use.

The purpose of this statement of Conditions of Use is to promote the responsible, ethical and secure use of the Department of Computing Science's computing facilities. In accepting the Department of Computing Science Conditions of Use, the user agrees to use the computing facilities in an authorized, appropriate and responsible manner, as described below.

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  • Computing Facilities
    • Any equipment or services provided or maintained by the Department of Computing Science.
  • Account (CCID or User ID)
    • A unique computer login identifier associated with you.
  • User
    • Any person or organization who can access any part of the Department of Computing Science's computing facilities.

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Authorized Use

  • Users shall use the computing facilities in a manner consistent with University of Alberta policy. Department of Computing Science computing facilities shall be used only for the purposes specified by the Department of Computing Science (i.e. teaching, research and administration). For instance, any User ID given out for a Computing Science course or degree program should only be used for course or degree related work.
  • Users shall respect the privacy of other users. They shall not obtain passwords or gain access to the accounts or machines of other users by any means (i.e. packet sniffing). They shall not intentionally seek information about, obtain copies of or modify files, tapes or any data belonging to other users unless they have been given explicit authorization to do so by those user(s) and then only for the purposes intended by the Department of Computing Science.
  • Users shall not attempt to develop or use programs which harass other users of the computing facilities, infiltrate or gain unauthorized access of any kind to the computing facilities, damage the computing facilities, alter the software components of the computing facilities, or attempt to infiltrate or gain unauthorized access of any kind to other computing facilities networked to the Department of Computing Science computing facilities.
  • Users shall not accept or give access to any Computing Science computing facilities from or to any other person. A User ID is for the exclusive use of the individual to which it is assigned. Granting access to any other individual by any means, or accepting access to another User ID by any means without explicit prior authorization by the Department of Computing Science constitutes a violation of these Conditions of Use.
  • Users shall not use a User ID or access to Computing Science computing facilities, including access to any networks for profit-making activities not authorized by the Department of Computing Science.
  • Users shall refrain from illegal activity including, but not limited to, software piracy.
  • Users shall not create, obtain, possess, execute, modify or distribute programs or material to harass or libel other users, individuals or institutions or pretend to be some other machine or user to gain access to any network or resource or to engage in harassing or illegal activities.
  • Users shall not create, obtain, possess, execute, modify or distribute any computer programs or material in violation of copyright or any other Canadian laws, such as, but not limited to, obscene or hatred promoting material, movies, music, or books. Users are advised and forewarned that the international network which is accessible from many Computing Science computing facilities, may contain material violating the above.
  • Users shall not create, obtain, possess, execute, modify or distribute programs such as trojan horses, worms or viruses, which may affect the performance of any computing facilities in, or networked to, the Department of Computing Science unless authorized to do so.
  • Users shall not remove any printed documentation from the Department of Computing Science computing facilities unless authorized to do so.

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Appropriate Use

The user shall use the computing facilities in a manner consistent with the objectives of the specific Department of Computing Science project or course for which such use has been authorized. It is inappropriate to use computing resource in the following ways:

  • For non-educational purposes
  • Simply to use computer resources
  • In a way unrelated to the objectives of the Department of Computing Science

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Responsible Use

Users are required to use the computing facilities in a responsible and efficient manner consistent with the goals that the Department of Computing Science authorized for those facilities. Users are expected to:

  • Honor any current computer system resource usage policies
  • Utilize efficient and effective techniques for program execution
  • Refrain from engaging in wasteful practices such as the following
    • Unnecessarily large or unnecessary printer listings
    • Unnecessary computations
    • Unnecessary holding of computer system resources such as workstation consoles
    • Unnecessary holding of terminals or telecommunications lines
    • Unnecessarily large or unnecessary usage of the network

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Connectivity Responsibilities

  • Users must be aware that as they connect their machines through any network in the Department of Computing Science that they expose their computers to: worms, viruses, trojan horses, denial-of-service attacks, intrusions, packet-sniffing and other abuses by third-parties on and off campus.
  • Users are responsible for any and all machines they connect through any of the Department of Computing Science's networks. They are responsible for securing their own machines with up-to-date patches and anti-virus toolkits prior to making connections to any of the Department of Computing Science's networks. The user is responsible for any actions taken from his/her computer, whether intended or not, that cause damage or otherwise affect other computers or users, on or off campus.
  • Users shall report to the Department of Computing Science any information which they may have obtained concerning instances in which the above conditions have been, or are being, violated.

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Privacy and System Monitoring

  • The department will treat your data and programs as both private and confidential and will not examine your information without just cause or due process, nor disclose that information to a third party without proven authority or just cause (e.g. in a disciplinary or criminal investigation).
  • The Department of Computing Science reserves the right to take remedial action in the case of possible abuses of the above Conditions of Use. To this end, the Department of Computing Science, with due regard for the right of privacy and confidentiality of users' data, shall have the authority to examine files, passwords, printouts, tapes, or other material which may aid the investigation. Users are expected to cooperate in such investigations when requested. Failure to do so may be grounds for cancellation of access privileges.
  • Users accessing the Department of Computing Science computing facilities should be aware that monitoring and logging of certain computer system processes and activities occurs on an ongoing basis to ensure the efficient operation and use of those facilities.

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Notice of Penalties

  • All users are hereby advised that violation of one or more of the above conditions of use shall be treated as both unethical conduct and a breach of these Conditions of Use. The Department of Computing Science is obliged and empowered to take any action necessary to combat and prevent such violation. This may include suspension, restriction or cancellation of user privileges and any other penalty or discipline which the Department of Computing Science deems necessary in the circumstances. If a user's machine is causing problems, it will be disconnected from the network immediately. The circumstances may be taken to the University of Alberta's disciplinary committee for review, which could possibly affect the status of the user within the University. In particular, violation of the Conditions of Use by students will be reviewed and disciplined in accordance with the GFC Policy Manual Code of Student Behavior. In addition, the user is advised that unauthorized use may be reported to off-campus system professionals or other authorities as such use may be an offense under the Criminal Code of Canada or other Federal or Provincial legislation.
  • All users are hereby advised that any suspension, restriction, or cancellation of user privileges as outlined above may be undertaken by the Department of Computing Science independent of the user's status in the Computing Science program. Users who have had their access suspended, restricted, or cancelled are responsible for obtaining adequate computing resources independent of the Department of Computing Science in order to complete or continue any course, degree program, or other work within the Department of Computing Science.

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I hereby release the Department of Computing Science from liability for any loss, damage or injury which I, or my computer, may sustain as a result of being allowed access to any of the Department of Computing Science's computing facilities, except any loss, damage or injury caused by the negligence of the Department of Computing Science. I agree to be solely responsible for any such loss, damage or injury.

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