Strengthening the faculty's identity
1945 - Government programs help returning veterans enter universities; enrolment nearly doubles. 1946 - The 1st Bar None dance is held. Open to all students from across the university - hence the name "Bar None" -- the dance is the longest running event at the University of Alberta.1947 - The first Varsity Guest Weekend is hosted by the Faculty of Agriculture, who puts on a field day to "give outsiders a picture of faculty activities." It is so successful that the rest of campus adopts the idea in 1951.
1954 - The new Agriculture Building officially opens.
1955 - Dr. Roy Berg is hired. His research will revolutionize the conservative cattle industry. Using cross-breeding, he increases cattle's productivity by 30 to 40 per cent.
1961 - The Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management is created, Travis Manning is the first Head.
1963 - War Supplies Agency recruits Dean Bentley and the Faculty of Agriculture to be a part of Food Coordination in the event of a nuclear emergency.
1964 - The Department of Dairying changes its name to the Department of Dairy and Food Science.
1965 - The new Household Economics Building opens
1965 - The Faculty of Agriculture celebrates its 50th Anniversary.