2023-2024 Season

2023-2024 Ticket Information
Single Ticket Prices:
- Adult: $28 | Senior/Alumni: $24 | Student: $14
Half Price — Preview, Monday & Thursday Matinee Performances:
- Adult: $14 | Senior/Alumni: $12 | Student: $7
NEW for 2023-2024!
- 2023–2024 Studio Theatre Season Membership (replaces Season Subscriptions)
No performances on Sundays.
Purchase tickets:
- online | by phone (780.492.2495) | in person (Tuesday & Thursday, 11:00am – 2:00pm; one hour before performances at the Timms Box Office, Timms Centre for the Performing Arts, 112 Street & 87 Avenue)
Welcome to 2023-2024 at Studio Theatre! We are so proud to offer you another season of live theatre in our Timms Centre for the Arts on the University of Alberta campus.
This season we are offering four plays about living in times of turmoil and what that means to our humanity. In the Department of Drama we are forever asking the question “what does it mean to be human now?” We are in the world of post-everything — trying to understand what we are, and what we want to become. Join us this season while our emerging artists dive into challenging plays and perform them for you.
In our season opener, we explore the dark humour of Everybody by Branden Jacob-Jenkins and directed by alumna Liz Hobbs (MFA ‘21). This is a contemporary adaptation of the medieval play Everyman where characters live in a theatrical world contending with what it means to live. The cast will be chosen by lottery each night so you may wish to see this more than once!
Our two M.F.A. Directing Candidates will direct the second and third shows of our season: Indecent by Paula Vogel will be directed by Ben Smith and Troilus and Cressida by William Shakespeare will be directed by Brett Dahl. These two fine emerging directors have chosen plays that challenge the status quo and provoke conversation that will surely continue outside of the theatre.
We’ve saved the magic for the end of the season with Rough Magic by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and directed by guest artist Christine Brubaker. This play riffs on Shakespeare’s The Tempest in a contemporary New York City setting with meta-theatrics and awesome technical challenges. Our B.F.A. Acting program will perform their last show as an ensemble along with talents from B.F.A. Production and M.F.A. Design. This is a show that is sure to draw you in and bring a little rowdy enchantment to your evening.
We can’t wait to see you and welcome you back to Studio Theatre!
Welcome to our Show,
April Viczko
Chair, Department of Drama
By: Branden Jacob-Jenkins
October 13-21, 2023
Directed by: Liz Hobbs, Guest Artist
Evening performances: 7:30pm
By: Paula Vogel
December 1-9, 2023
Directed by: Ben Smith, MFA Directing Candidate
Evening performances: 7:30pm
Troilus and Cressida
By: William Shakespeare
Adapted by: Brett Dahl
February 9-17, 2024
Directed by: Brett Dahl, MFA Directing Candidate
Evening performances: 7:30pm
Rough Magic
By: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
April 5-13, 2024
Directed by: Christine Brubaker, Guest Artist
Evening performances: 7:30pm