Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering merges design and problem solving tools commonly applied in engineering with medical sciences and biosciences to fulfil the ultimate goal of advancing human health. Biomedical engineers play a central role in studying the processes of the human body over a wide range of length scales and timescales. Biomechanics and Human Mechanical Systems is the discipline of Biomedical Engineering that is associated with applying the concepts of mechanics - be they in the sub-areas of design, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, mechanical control or thermal sciences - to clinical and biological issues. These issues could center on the mechanics and control of cells, tissues, complex systems like the musculoskeletal or cardio-vascular systems, human-machine interaction in the area of prosthetics and protective devices, and the processes of injury and healing, among many others. The ultimate goal of biomedical engineering is to improve quality of life and human longevity.

Our faculty members include world-renowned leaders and experts who have made significant contributions, particularly in medical equipment design; respiratory disease treatment and respiratory fluid mechanics; bone-implant interface; scoliosis pathology and treatment; orthodontic treatment mechanics; micro-electrical mechanical and micro-optical mechanical sensors; wearable and biomedical instrumentation; myoelectric training tools for prosthetic users; biocompatible surface treatments; imaging analysis and optimization; improvement of technology for E-Health; analysis of gait, posture, and neuromuscular control; assistive and rehabilitative technologies; quantitative assessment of clinical outcomes; sports engineering; forensic biomechanics, impact, blast and trauma biomechanics; health monitoring; and cellular biomechanics.

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