Immunology & Infection Students' Association

IMINSA logoThe Immunology and Infection Students' Association (IMINSA) strives to develop a cohesive and effectual network of Immunology and Infection students, University professors, and the academic and business worlds in general. IMINSA acts as a source of valuable information for prospective, continuing, and interested students. Membership is open to students enrolled in Honours or Specialization in the Immunology and Infection Program and IMINSA welcomes interested non-immunology students as well. Through community and social activities, IMINSA educates the public on current issues in the fields of immunology and infection and generates awareness for the association. Throughout the year IMINSA hosts a variety of student mixers, fundraisers selling plush GIANTMicrobes toys and an end of year graduation banquet. Interested students are encouraged to register on Bearsden at or contact