New Faculty Member - Dr. Fiona Nicoll

The Department of Political Science is delighted to welcome Dr. Fiona Nicoll to our ranks, as of July 1, 2016.

Department of Political Science - 10 May 2016

Dr. Fiona Nicoll, Associate Professor and Alberta Gambling Research Institute Chair in Gambling Policy

Fiona hails from Australia, most recently from the University of Queensland. She is the author of From Diggers to Drag Queens: Configurations of Australian National Identity (2001) and co-editor of Transnational Whiteness Matters (2008) and Courting Blakness: Recalibrating Knowledge in the Sandstone University (2015).

She has also contributed articles and book chapters to scholarship in the following areas: critical race and whiteness studies, queer theory, Indigenous sovereignty, law, feminist studies, reconciliation, cultural economy and critical cultural studies. Her current research project, Gambling in Everyday Life: Governing Spaces, Moments and Products of Enjoyment, is due for publication with Routledge in 2017.

As AGRI research Chair, she will be building research and teaching capacity in critical cultural studies of gambling in ways that engage Aboriginal and First Nation communities and knowledges. This research will generate evidence-based knowledge to inform gambling policies grounded in values of social sustainability and corporate responsibility.