Event: Public Lecture by Dr. Susan Ashley

Tuesday, November 26, 2019 4:00-6:00 pm Central Academic Building (CAB) 269 What is Heritage?

06 November 2019

Dr. Susan Ashley offers some personal perspectives on 'what is heritage' and how tangible and intangible heritage is valued. Starting from her experiences as front-line interpreter, planner, consultant, and now academic in the field of heritage, Dr. Ashley examines heritage as a 'structure of feeling': a sensibility or consciousness or process of understanding our relation to the past. Heritage-as-process is about our thoughts and experiences in the present, a social experience actively lived and felt. She will weave these ideas into stories of work and research experiences over the years with 'Other' sites of heritage-making, from Anishinaabe rock art to Black history and multiculturalism in Canada, to her current work with the Black Heritage Forum in Newcastle and the Chattri memorial group in Brighton.