David M. Wineroither

Seeking for Shelter: The Sectoral Basis of Economic Voting in Austria

David M. Wineroither (PI), Center for Social Sciences and National U of Public Service, Budapest



David M. Wineroither works as a Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of Political Science at the Centre for Social Sciences and the Department of Governance and Public Policy at National University for Public Service, Budapest. He obtained his PhD from the University of Innsbruck where he was Assistant Professor for Comparative Politics. Previous affiliations include the University of Alberta (Visiting Professor) and CEU Budapest (Visiting Researcher). Specialized in party competition and political leadership, David is a member of Horizon2020-sponsored DEMOS project on democratic effects of varieties of populism across Europe. In his current project he investigates the effects of specific types of political clientelism on voter behaviour (together with Florian Weiler).

Recent publications (selected)
Political Leadership and Innovation, in Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ed. by E.G. Carayannis, Springer NY (in print).

(2020) Das Demokratiemodell des B-VG und die politische Realität der Zweiten Republik, in Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht 75(1), 139-154. 

(2019) Democracy in Austria - Contemporary Austrian Studies 28, ed. with G. Bischof, New Orleans and Innsbruck: UNO press & iup.

(2018) Three Worlds of Representation: Patterns of Accountability in Western and Eastern Europe, in East European Politics and Societies 32(3), 493-517 (with G. Seeber).   

(2017) Die Entwicklung des Parteienwettbewerbs in Österreich im internationalen Vergleich, in Die österreichische Demokratie im Vergleich, ed. by H. Helms & D.M. Wineroither, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 251-285 (with H. Kitschelt).