Required Documents

During the application process, you may upload unofficial transcripts for initial evaluation. You are responsible for providing official and complete transcripts before your offer of admission can be finalized.

High School Transcripts

Students entering from high school will need copies of their high school transcripts to submit with their full application.

  • Alberta students: Your high school transcripts will be sent to the university automatically through ApplyAlberta.
  • Out of province students: You are responsible for ensuring your final, official transcripts are sent to the university, or for authorizing your school, province, or territory to do so. Official transcripts will only be accepted if received directly from the issuing institution or ministry.
  • Please refer to the Transcripts and Documents page for provincial and territorial details on the process and action required for high school transcripts.


Post Secondary Transcripts

Applicants with post-secondary coursework must submit high school transcripts along with official post-secondary transcripts.

  • University of Alberta: You are not required to re-submit your transcripts.
  • Alberta post-secondary institutions: Transcripts will be transferred automatically through ApplyAlberta, as long as you have provided authorization.
  • Indigenous learning providers: You will need to request transcripts be submitted to the University of Alberta.
  • Out of province institutions: You will need to request transcripts be submitted to the University of Alberta.



Within Launchpad, applicants must provide the names and email addresses of two references. Potential referees could include former teachers, principals, employers, community leaders, or Elders. Referees cannot be family members or personal friends.

The University of Alberta will contact referees to complete an online reference form. If one of your referees cannot complete an electronic submission, please contact to make arrangements for a written submission.

  Within the form, referees are asked to speak to two areas:

  • General appraisal: This section considers your ability to succeed in the program and your career as a future teacher. This might include community involvement, volunteer activities, and other experiences that make you a strong candidate for ATEP.
  • Understanding and engagement with Indigenous knowledges and cultures: A fundamental tenet of ATEP’s delivery is a focus on Aboriginal ways of knowing, being, and doing. Referees should provide insight into your desire to study in ATEP and your engagement or involvement with Aboriginal communities and/or culture.


Letter of Intent

All applicants are required to write and submit a personal Letter of Intent that details their personal experiences and understanding of Aboriginal cultures. ATEP is committed to holistically nurturing students, and the inclusion of the Letter of Intent provides us with an opportunity to learn about applicants beyond their academic history.

We have listed four core areas your Letter of Intent should address. The potential prompts are suggestions. Please respond to those that best represent your experiences, and feel free to add information beyond the scope of the prompts listed.

  1.   Personal Background Information.
      Potential prompts are listed below:
    • Where is home?
    • Tell us about your family and/or community. How have they shaped the person you are today?
    • Tell us about your K-12 schooling experience. Are there any challenges you faced and/or successes that you are proud of?
    • Are there any unique and/or distinctive life experiences that have shaped who you are?
  2.   Aboriginal Engagement & Awareness.
      Potential prompts are listed below:
    • What are your past, present, and future connections to an Aboriginal community?
    • What aspects of Aboriginal culture are you most familiar with and/or interested in?
    • How has your interest in or identification with Aboriginal peoples influenced your life to this point?
  3.   Teaching Aspirations.
       Potential prompts are listed below:
    • What life experiences have strengthened your desire to pursue teaching? This could include volunteer or work opportunities, extracurricular activities and/or personal interests. Please indicate if you have had two or more years working in a youth or childcare setting
    • Who and/or what influenced your decision to become a teacher?
    • What do you hope to achieve as a teacher?
    • What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
  4.   Why is ATEP right for you?
      Potential prompts are listed below:
    • What motivated you to apply to ATEP?
    • What aspects of the program will be helpful to you and why? Please be specific. Feel free to refer to the Prospective Students section.
    • How can completing your Bachelor of Education degree in an Aboriginal-focused program help you achieve your goals?