Undergraduate Courses

A list of some courses relating to China studies offered by the UAlberta. Refer to Beartracks for course details and registration.


Course Instructor Description
ECON 211 - Chinese Economic Development A survey of the characteristics of and recent developments in the Chinese economy emphasizing the nature and consequences of China's economic reforms and Canada's economic relations with China. Prerequisite: ECON 101 or equivalent.
HIST 285 - China and the West A survey of Chinese-Western cultural interactions from the time of Marco Polo to the present.
HIST 287 - The Chinese in Canada and Canadians in China The history of the Chinese in Canada since the 1850s, and Canada's cultural and social relations with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, through historical and literary sources, media and film.
HIST 383 - The Civilization and Culture of Early China

Jay,Jennifer W This course focuses on the formative periods of Chinese civilization from prehistory to circa 600.
HIST 385 - Modern China

The history of China from the late nineteenth century to the present. Prerequisites: *3 from EASIA 101, HIST 280, 281, 285 or 290, or consent of Department.
​​HIST 390 - Imperial China from circa 600 to 1911

Au Yong,Ke-Xin The institutional and social history of imperial China from the Tang to the Manchu Ch'ing dynasties.
POL S 237 - Introduction to Chinese Politics

Hasmath, Reza Introduces the Chinese political system, institutional structure, and political history.
POL S 475 - Politics of China and Japan

Domestic politics and foreign policy of China and/ or Japan. Note: Not open to students with credit in POL S 473. Prerequisite: One of POL S 235 (or 240 or 375) East Asian Studies major/minor or Department consent.
POL S 467 - Chinese Foreign Policy

China's approach to foreign affairs and rising global influence, with a focus on Chinese leaders and institutions, China's geopolitical partnerships, and international relations theory. Prerequisite: POL S 235, 237, 261 or consent of Department.