News / Nouvelles


Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 CLC Poetry Contest! / 

Félicitations aux gagnants du Concours de poésie du CLC 2024 !

2024 Poetry Contest Thank You Image


The CLC--along with NAIT, MacEwan University, and Athabasca University--congratulate Justine Schultz, Acacia Kubanay, and Joseph Lam for their winning poems! 

Read the winning poems here and get to know a little bit about the poets.

Thank you to this year's contest judges: Dr. Evelyne Gagnon (Athabasca), Dr. Michael O'Driscoll (University of Alberta), and Kelly Shepherd (NAIT).

Thank you to all the students who submitted poems this year, as well as to our contest partners: Athabasca University, MacEwan University, NAIT, Edmonton Poetry Festival, Athabasca University Press, NeWest Press, University of Alberta Press, and SpokenWeb.









CLC Research Gathering: "Methods and Modalities of Canadian Literary Studies"
May 2-3, 2024

2024 Research Gathering Socials Image


This Research Gathering celebrates the diversity and vitality of the work being done within easy reach of the U of A by scholars of literatures in Canada, seeking to energize our local research community by nurturing existing connections and, hopefully, forging new ones. The theme of this gathering, “Methods and Modalities of Canadian Literary Studies,” highlights not just what we study, but the diverse ways in which we do so. 


Thursday, May 2

1:00-2:30 pm RESEARCH SPA (Henderson Hall, Rutherford Library South 1-17)  
                         Registration Full

2:30-2:40 pm Coffee and Snacks

2:40-3:00 pm Walk from Henderson Hall to the River Valley for the workshop

3:00-5:00 pm LAND READING and WRITING WORKSHOP (River Valley)
                         Registration Full

Friday, May 3

9:00-10:00 am (optional) Focused writing time (Henderson Hall meeting room)

10:00-10:30 am Coffee and Welcome (Henderson Hall)

10:30 am-12:00 pm 7-MINUTE PRESENTATIONS PANEL #1: 
     Emplaced and Embodied Research Methods

  • Rachel Burlock (U of A): Wandering through the Community History Book
  • Richard Costa (U of A): Magpie Habitat Studies and the Bioregional Imagination
  • Mike O’Driscoll (U of A): Audile Techniques in Literary Studies
  • Stephanie Oliver (U of A, Augustana): The Language of Scent in English Literatures of Canada

12:00-1:00 pm LUNCH (catered)

     Disseminating Canadian Literary Studies 

  • Xia Yuan (Visiting CLC Scholar from Nanjing, China): Building a Chronology of English-Canadian Literature (2001-2020)
  • Kristine Smitka (U of A): Discounting Books and the Canadian Publishing Industry
  • Marie-Andrée Bergeron (U of Calgary): Le moyen métrage documentaire comme méthode de diffusion de la recherche 
  • Hislla S. M. Ramalho (U of A; Visiting Scholar from the Federal University of Santa Catarina Brazil): Translation and International Collaboration 

2:30-3:15 pm Break-out group discussions (Henderson Hall) 
                         or quiet writing time (meeting room) 

3:30-5:30 pm CELEBRATION OF RESEARCH (Papaschase Room, University Club) 
     With a display of recent projects, plus brief presentations by

  • Leilei Chen (reading from her translation of MA Hui’s rewriting of Tsangyang Gyatso’s love poetry) 
  • Julie Rak (presenting Auto/Biography in Canada: Critical Directions
  • Marie-Andrée Bergeron (présentation du documentaire Comme un besoin de révolution. Littérature et féminisme)
  • Jordan Abel and Conor Kerr (launch of Yarrow magazine – a space for Indigenous creativity)

     Plus book and article displays and refreshments – bring friends!


Call For Participation: CLC Research Gathering
"Methods and Modalities of Canadian Literary Studies"
May 2-3, 2024

2024 Research Gathering CFP Socials Image English


“If we keep in mind the broader ecology of relations that are part of our learning and teaching, we can better resist the Enlightenment ideals of solipsistic individualism.”
- Katja Pettinen, Dissonant Methods

With the approach of spring, and with it the season of conferences and sustained (and frequently solitary) research, the CLC invites local scholars of literatures in Canada to gather, recharge, exchange ideas, and build community around shared questions of how and why we do our work in this increasingly diverse field of study. 

This Research Gathering celebrates the diversity and vitality of the work being done within easy reach of the U of A by scholars of literatures in Canada, seeking to energize our local research community by nurturing existing connections and, hopefully, forging new ones. The theme of this gathering, “Methods and Modalities of Canadian Literary Studies,” highlights not just what we study, but the diverse ways in which we do so. Whether we rely on more traditional methods of literary studies or are working to expand the parameters of scholarly practice, questions about methods and modalities – how we research and present our work – reach across our diverse scholarly fields and discourses. What methodological commitments guide your scholarship? What innovative modes of research and presentation are animating your work or field? What traditional scholarly methods remain enduringly relevant? How is thinking about methodologies and modalities central to indigenizing or decolonizing research and pedagogical practices, along with other EDI commitments? Whether you are an emerging or an established scholar, working in French or in English, we want to hear your thoughts. 

This 2-day gathering will include:

Panels of 7 minute presentations on the methods and modalities of your work, and the questions and challenges that animate it (we hope to highlight a range of approaches, including but not limited to archival research, research-creation, translation, writing for general audiences, interdisciplinary methods, etc…)

Break-out group conversations on the pressing questions that challenge how we think about the methods and modalities of our work 

Dedicated space for quiet writing, and a research spa (a movement-based practice followed by a period of reflection) led by Danielle Fuller and Lin Snelling

A book launch and celebration of research (showcase your finished projects!) 

A land-reading and writing workshop led by Sarah Krotz and Jordan Abel

You can participate in a number of ways. Whether you would like to present work or just listen and write, please fill out the following form by Monday, April 15th.



Appel à participation : Table ronde CLC
« Méthodes et modalités des études littéraires canadiennes »
les 2 et 3 mai 2024

2024 Research Gathering CFP Socials Image French


En attendant l'arrivée du printemps, la saison de conférences et de recherche soutenue (et souvent solitaire), le Centre de littératures au Canada invite les chercheurs locaux à se réunir pour se ressourcer, pour échanger des idées et pour créer une communauté autour des questions sur le comment et le pourquoi de notre travail dans ce domaine d'étude de plus en plus diversifié.

Ce rassemblement soulignera la diversité et la vitalité du travail effectué à l'Université de l'Alberta par les chercheurs.euses en littératures canadiennes, afin de dynamiser notre communauté de recherche locale, d’entretenir les liens existants et, nous l'espérons, d’en forger de nouveaux. Le thème de ce rassemblement, « Méthodes et modalités des études littéraires canadiennes », mettra en valeur non seulement ce que nous étudions, mais aussi les diverses façons dont nous le faisons. Que nous nous appuyions sur des méthodes plus traditionnelles ou que nous nous efforcions d'élargir les paramètres de la pratique scientifique, les questions relatives aux méthodes et aux modalités - la façon dont nous recherchons et présentons notre travail - s'étendent à travers nos divers domaines et discours scientifiques.

Quels sont les engagements méthodologiques qui guident votre recherche ? Quels sont les modes de recherche et de présentation novateurs qui animent votre travail ou votre domaine ? Quelles sont les méthodes traditionnelles qui restent durablement pertinentes ? En quoi la réflexion sur les méthodologies et les modalités est-elle essentielle à la décolonisation de la recherche et des pratiques pédagogiques, ainsi qu'aux autres engagements de l'EDI ? Que vous soyez chercheur.euse emergent.e ou établi.e, que vous travailliez en français ou en anglais, nous voulons entendre vos réflexions.

Cette réunion de deux jours comprendra:  

Des présentations de 7 minutes sur les méthodes et les modalités de votre travail, ainsi que sur les questions et les défis qui les animent (nous espérons présenter une gamme d'approches telles que la recherche archivistique, la recherche-création, la traduction, l'écriture pour le grand public, et les méthodes interdisciplinaires).

Des conversations en petits groupes sur des questions importantes qui nous poussent à réfléchir aux méthodes et aux modalités de notre travail.

Un espace d'écriture silencieux et un spa de recherche (une pratique basée sur le mouvement suivie d'une période de réflexion, en anglais) animés par Danielle Fuller et Lin Snelling. 

Un lancement de livre et une célébration de la recherche (présentez vos projets terminés !)

Un atelier (en anglais): Land-reading and land-writing animé par Sarah Krotz et Jordan Abel 

Que vous souhaitiez présenter votre travail ou simplement écouter et écrire, veuillez vous inscrire avant le lundi 15 avril.



Hark! Comics About Gender, Labour, and Oil!
Talking About Kate Beaton's Ducks with Dr. Julie Rak and Dr. Sara Dorow

Monday, March 4, 2024

Ducks Scholarly Event Social Media Image


Enter the university classroom to encounter and discuss cutting-edge University of Alberta research from Professor and Henry Marshall Tory Chair, Dr. Julie Rak (English and Film Studies) and Professor and Director of the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, Dr. Sara Dorow (Sociology). 

Join us on Monday, March 4, 2024, from 6:00-7:30 PM, in Room 129, Education Centre South (ED 129). This event is free and open to students, staff, faculty, and the general public.

Dr. Julie Rak: "Big Trucks, Big Oil, Big Debts: How Kate Beaton Makes Us See Labour"

Dr. Sara Dorow: "Bitumen and Bituwomen in Camp, at Site, and in Between"

About the speakers:

Dr. Julie Rak (FRSC) holds the Henry Marshall Tory Chair in the Department of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta. Her latest book is False Summit: Gender in Mountaineering Nonfiction (2021). She has written extensively on nonfiction, including Boom! Manufacturing Memoir for the Popular Market (2013) and Negotiated Memory: Doukhobor Autobiographical Discourse (2004). Her latest edited collection is the Identities volume of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory (2022), and with Sonia Boon, Candida Rifkind, and Laurie McNeill, The Routledge Introduction to Auto/biography in Canada (2022).

Dr. Sara Dorow is Professor of Sociology and Director of the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology at the University of Alberta. Her areas of research include migration/mobility, work, family, and the social facets of resource extraction, where she deploys transnational, interdisciplinary, and intersectional feminist lenses. Her recent publications on the oil/tar sands have appeared in Human RelationsThe Extractive Industries and SocietyEnvironment and Planning, and Gender, Place & Culture. Dorow currently leads a multi-media project exploring the meaning of work. 


The 2024 CLC Kreisel Lecture with Kate Beaton

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Register Now Social Media Poster for Kate Beaton Kreisel Lecture


Award-winning cartoonist and author Kate Beaton will give the 2024 Henry Kreisel Memorial Lecture on March 7, 2024, at 7:00 PM, on stage at the TIMMS CENTRE for the ARTS, followed by a reception and book signing.

The lecture, "Bodies of Art and Bodies of Labour,will examine class and its influence on the Arts in Canada:

Class has always been a reality in Canada, but not a reality whose influence and power we have always acknowledged in the Canadian Arts scene. A working class person or a poor person is much less likely to become an artist than a middle class person or a wealthy person. They are less likely to be able to tell their own stories to a wider audience, and thus create the culture that we share—what becomes our national culture, the way we see ourselves, or the way we see each other. Yet, in demographic surveys of Arts, Publishing or Culture in Canada, you will rarely see economic background accounted for. In this and other ways, class remains an outlier. One thing is certain though—if working class and poor people do not write themselves into stories, other people certainly will.

I have been aware of class my entire life. Class has shaped my identity, my career, and my art. As I said in Ducks, the graphic novel you probably know my name by, we are from the have-not region of a have-not province, and it has not boomed here in decades. And so I want to talk about class and literature from my perch here in that region, the coasts of Cape Breton Island. Plenty has been written over the years, from writers up and down the class spectrum. Results vary. 

Plenty of art has been made as well. My book dealt with some harrowing truths of working in isolated work camps in the oil sands. It was the reality of life. But I would not say it was the whole picture. I know I am here as a working artist today partly because I am the beneficiary of a community and a culture that has long valued art. Art for no money, for each other, for yourself, for memory, for community, for joy. That is a working class legacy as well, the value of my mind I learned from my community, even as I, like everyone else, shipped my body out for labour to the oil sands. 

Kate Beaton is a cartoonist and graphic novelist from Nova Scotia. While studying history at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, Beaton began writing comics for the student newspaper. Her comics, which combined literature, history, and off-beat humour, became immensely popular online, leading to the publication of two acclaimed comic volumes: Hark! A Vagrant (2011) and Step Aside, Pops! (2015), as well as children’s picture books The Princess and the Pony (2015) and King Baby (2016). Beaton’s first graphic memoir, Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands, received wide acclaim upon publication in 2022. In addition to being the first graphic narrative to win Canada Reads, Ducks received the Eisner Award for Best Graphic Memoir and praise from Quill and Quire, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, and President Barack Obama. Kate Beaton currently resides in Nova Scotia with her husband and two children. 



Masterclass with Wayne Arthurson

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Social Media Image for Wayne Arthurson Masterclass

We are pleased to announce our upcoming virtual masterclass with the 2023-24 U of A Writer-in-Residence, Wayne Arthurson!

The acclaimed Edmonton writer and literary agent will discuss key clauses in a book contract and other writerly business. You can read more about Wayne Arthurson and his work in the news item below, or on the Writer-in-Residence webpage

This ONLINE masterclass will take place on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, from 12:00-1:00 PM MST, via Zoom.













Reading and Conversation with Wayne Arthurson

Friday, January 26, 2024

Social Media Image for Wayne Arthurson Reading

Join us for a Reading and Conversation Series event with Wayne Arthurson, the U of A's current Writer-in-Residence!

This event will take place at the U of A on Friday, January 26, from 10:00-11:00 AM, in Henderson Hall (Rutherford Library South 1-17). Enjoy coffee and snacks as we listen to Wayne discuss his novella The Red Chesterfield, as well as writing about and from Edmonton.

Wayne Arthurson is a writer and literary agent from Edmonton, Alberta, and is the author of eight novels and five books of nonfiction. Arthurson’s work focuses on the Indigenous experience in Canada and is informed by his Cree and French Canadian heritage. His debut novel Final Season is set in an Indigenous community that faces severe environmental upheaval due to a new hydroelectric project. His novella The Red Chesterfield won the 2020 Crime Writers of Canada Award of Excellence (formerly the Arthur Ellis Award) in the Best Novella category. He has been twice shortlisted for the High Plains Book Award in the Best Indigenous Writer category, and his novel Fall from Grace won the 2012 Alberta Readers' Choice Award.

For more than thirty years, Wayne has been living, writing and working in Edmonton and has been an active member of the city's arts scene. He has served on the boards of prestigious municipal arts organizations, such as the Edmonton Arts Council and Litfest, and has judged several literary competitions. His background in journalism and broadcasting have helped to further his career as a writer in Alberta and he continues to work with and for the arts in Canada and abroad.




December 2023
New CLC Podcast Episode: Hari Alluri & Michelle Porter, hosted by Alice Major 

Social Media Image for Alluri, Porter, Major Podcast Episode

We are thrilled to present the latest episode of our podcast. In episode 12, which is also part of our “Air and Fire” series of readings and conversations this year, Hari Alluri, Alice Major, and Michelle Porter explore the literal and metaphorical significance of fire in a brilliant, wide-ranging reading and conversation. Their words crackle with energy, burn and smoulder, warm and renew, sparking new ways of imagining this powerful element, whose increasing presence in our lives demands reflection and articulation. 

Hari Alluri (he/him/siya [pronounced sha]) is an uninvited migrant poet of Philippine and South Asian descent living, writing, and working on unceded Coast Salish territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh peoples, and Kwantlen, Katzie and Kwikwetlem lands of Hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓-speaking peoples. Author of The Flayed City (Kaya Press), chapbook Our Echo of Sudden Mercy (Next Page Press) and, forthcoming in 2025, Like a Feather Holds the Sky (Brick Books), he is a co-founding editor at Locked Horn Press, a workshop facilitator, and a bookseller at Massy Books. His award-winning work can be found in journals, anthologies, and online.

Dr. Michelle Porter is a writer and scholar from Alberta and living in Newfoundland and Labrador. She is the descendent of a long line of Métis storytellers. Many of her ancestors (the Goulet family) told stories using music and today she tells stories using the written word. She is the author of Approaching Fire, Scratching River. Her first novel, A Grandmother Begins the Story (Penguin 2023), was a finalist for the Atwood-Gibson Writers’ Trust Award for Fiction in 2023. Her first book of poetry, Inquiries, was shortlisted for the Pat Lowther Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry, Canada 2019 and was a finalist for the E.J. Pratt Poetry Award 2021. She teaches creative writing at Memorial University in Newfoundland.

Alice Major has published eleven collections of poetry, two novels for young adults, and an award-winning collection of essays about poetry and science. Alice is the founder of the Edmonton Poetry Festival, was the first poet laureate of Edmonton, and the past president of both the Writers' Guild of Alberta and the League of Canadian Poets.



Save the Date! Thursday, March 7, 2024

Introducing the 2024 CLC Kreisel Lecture with Kate Beaton

Save the Date Poster for Kate Beaton Kreisel Lecture

We are excited to announce the 2024 Henry Kreisel Memorial Lecture with Kate Beaton! Please mark your calendars for March 7, 2024, 7:00 PM at the TIMMS CENTRE for the ARTS.

Stay tuned to the CLC's website and social media for more news in the coming months. 

Kate Beaton is a cartoonist and graphic novelist from Nova Scotia. While studying history at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, Beaton began writing comics for the student newspaper. Her comics, which combined literature, history, and off-beat humour, became immensely popular online, leading to the publication of two acclaimed comic volumes: Hark! A Vagrant (2011) and Step Aside, Pops! (2015), as well as children’s picture books The Princess and the Pony (2015) and King Baby (2016). Beaton’s first graphic memoir, Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands, received wide acclaim upon publication in 2022. In addition to being the first graphic narrative to win Canada Reads, Ducks received the Eisner Award for Best Graphic Memoir and praise from Quill and Quire, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, and President Barack Obama. Kate Beaton currently resides in Nova Scotia with her husband and two children.


 Praise for Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands

“Her staggering skill as a cartoonist and obvious efforts to be unusually fair as a storyteller lend to this standing as a revealing historical document decades, if not even longer, from now.”

-- Fish Griwkowsky for the Edmonton Journal

“This book is a window into so many critical conversations about the environment, about Indigenous land rights, about the student debt crisis and about gender relations.”

-- Mattea Roach on championing Ducks for Canada Reads




Friday, October 20, 2023

Trina Moyles in Conversation with Omar Mouallem

Poster for Moyles and Mouallem Event


In partnership with LitFest, the Centre for Literatures in Canada/Centre de littératures au Canada presents Trina Moyles in conversation with Omar Mouallem.

Join us Friday, October 20 from 12 to 1 PM in Henderson Hall (Rutherford Library South 1-17).

Trina Moyles is an author, journalist, and creative producer based between Alberta and the Yukon Territory. She is the author of three non-fiction books, including Women Who Dig (2018), Lookout (2021), which won the 2022 Alberta Memoir Award, and Black Bear, which is forthcoming with Alfred A. Knopf in 2025. Her award-winning writing, often focusing on social and environmental justice issues, has been published in the Globe and Mail, Hakai Magazine, The Walrus, and Canadian Geographic. In 2022, she received the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Emerging Artist Award. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia.

Her first book, Women Who Dig, is being adapted into a documentary film series by Edmonton-based filmmaker and director, Anna Kuelken. 

Omar Mouallem is an author, filmmaker, and educator. His journalism has appeared in The Guardian, WIRED, and The Wall Street Journal. He coauthored Inside the Inferno: A Firefighter’s Story of the Brotherhood that Saved Fort McMurray, with firefighter Damian Asher, which was a national bestseller. His latest book Praying to the West: How Muslims Shaped the Americas won the 2022 Wilfred Eggelston Nonfiction Award and was named one of the Globe and Mail’s 100 best books of 2021. His documentary The Lebanese Burger Mafia, which documents the unlikely link between fast-food and Lebanese immigrants, won the 2023 Audience Choice for Best Doc at Northwest International Documentary Festival. He also teaches creative nonfiction at the University of King’s College and is the "fake dean" of Pandemic University School of Writing, a virtual school he founded in support of writers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. He lives in Edmonton, Alberta.






le mercredi 18 octobre 2023

Martine Delvaux en conversation avec Evelyne Gagnon

Poster for Martine Delvaux Event

Joignez-vous à nous lors d’un midi littéraire sur Zoom sous le signe du feu, avec la romancière et essayiste féministe Martine Delvaux, qui discutera de son ouvrage Pompières et pyromanes (2021) avec la poète Evelyne Gagnon.

Mercredi le 18 octobre de 12h à 13h MDT sur Zoom.

Romancière et essayiste féministe, Martine Delvaux est notamment l’autrice de Blanc dehors, Le monde est à toi, Thelma, Louise & moi et Pompières et pyromanes. Elle a été finaliste à de nombreux prix, et plusieurs de ses livres ont été traduits en anglais et en espagnol. Son essai Le boys club a remporté le Grand Prix du livre de Montréal.


Face à la crise climatique, Martine Delvaux refuse l’abattement et choisit le combat, celui que mène la génération de sa fille, qui tient tête aux décideurs et réclame avec force la protection de la vie sur Terre. Solidaire, elle offre ici un livre-collage tissé de catastrophes, mais surtout d’espoir, où le feu occupe une place centrale. Feu sacré des, bûchers où tant de femmes ont péri, feux follets, feux de forêt dévastateurs, rage incendiaire et feux de joie : certaines flammes nous détruisent, quand d’autres nous éclairent. Les pompières pyromanes qui habitent ce livre savent lesquelles entretenir amoureusement.

Ces pages sont nées de ma fascination pour le feu. Elles sont remplies de souvenirs brûlants, de scènes incendiées, de flammes qui ont marqué l’histoire des femmes. J’ai voulu établir une filiation de femmes qui portent le feu, rendre hommage à celles qui ont joué avec le feu. Qui ont résisté à l’injustice avec détermination, constance et patience, parfois au prix de leur vie. Toutes celles qui ont fait oeuvre de feu pour la suite du monde.

Finaliste, Prix Victor-Barbeau de l’Académie des lettres du Québec
Liste préliminaire, Prix des libraires 2022

Poète et essayiste, Evelyne Gagnon vit à Edmonton, où elle est professeure en études littéraires à l’Université d’Athabasca. Spécialiste de la poésie, elle s’intéresse aussi aux formes de la mélancolie contemporaine et, notamment, à ses liens avec l’écoanxiété et avec l’écoféminisme. Elle a fondé, en 2014, le Concours de poésie du Centre de littérature canadienne, qui entamera cette année sa 10 e édition. Ayant publié des études sur la poésie dans plusieurs ouvrages scientifiques au Canada, aux États-Unis et en France, Evelyne Gagnon a également reçu, en 2001, le Prix de poésie Clément-Marchand et ses poèmes ont paru dans Le SabordMoebius et Les écrits. Son recueil, Incidents (et autres rumeurs du siècle), est paru aux Éditions du Noroît, à Montréal, en 2022.



September 27-29, 2023

Three Events with Olive Senior

Poster for Olive Senior Events


The Centre for Literatures in Canada/Centre de littératures au Canada and Canada Research Chair Nominee Dr. Michael A. Bucknor present award-winning essayist, poet, novelist, and children’s literature writer Olive Senior.

Please join us for as many of these events as you can, and share widely!


Wednesday, September 27 from 12 to 1 PM 

Reading + Q & A in Henderson Hall (Rutherford Library South 1-17). This event kicks off the CLC's 2023-24 Reading and Conversation Series on the theme of "Air and Fire." Open to the U of A community and to the public. Tea, coffee, and cookies will be served!


Thursday, September 28 from 3 to 4 PM 

Interview with Dr. Michael A. Bucknor: “The Writing Life: Artistic Vulnerabilities and Resilience” in Henderson Hall (Rutherford Library South 1-17). Open to the U of A community and to the public. Tea, coffee, and cookies will be served!


Friday, September 29 from 10 AM to 1 PM

Creative Writing Workshop: “Writing Your Environment” in person, registration required. Offered in partnership with the Writers’ Guild of Alberta, this workshop is open to all emerging creative writers. Black, Indigenous and other racialized writers are especially encouraged to join. Registration is free and open to the public but will be capped at 15 participants. 
Headshot Photo of Olive Senior









Olive Senior’s books, articles and lectures span multiple genres, including poetry, fiction, non-fiction and children’s literature. Her twentieth book, Hurricane Watch: New and Collected Poems, was recently published by Carcanet in the UK. It follows Pandemic Poems: First Wave (2021), a work consisting of alphabet poems derived from the language of the COVID-19 pandemic. Her work has found worldwide resonance in numerous critical essays and translations and is taught in educational institutions at various levels. Most recently, Summer Lightning (her first short story collection; 1986) was named one of the 70 outstanding books from the Commonwealth chosen to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee (The Big Jubilee Read).

Her many awards include Canada’s Writers’ Trust Matt Cohen Award for Lifetime Achievement, the OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature, the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize, honorary doctorates from the University of the West Indies and York University and the Gold Medal of the Institute of Jamaica.

Olive Senior lives in Toronto but returns frequently to Jamaica and the Caribbean which remain central to her work. She is the Poet Laureate of Jamaica for 2021-2024.

Photo Credit: Alex Rice 



 The CLC Warmly Thanks Marie Carrière for a Decade as Director


After more than 10 years at the helm of the CLC, Marie Carrière is concluding her term as director and moving into a new position as Associate Dean of Research in the Faculty of Arts, while continuing to serve on the CLC’s Executive Board. The Centre has flourished under Marie’s passionate and talented leadership. Her development of a diverse and engaging program of Brown Bag Lunch readings, research seminars, scholarly lectures, international conferences, and high-profile literary events has enriched our community immeasurably. She created the web-based research initiative “Inside the Bag,” as well as the Centre’s postdoctoral fellowship. She brought the Kreisel Lecture series to a wider Canadian and International audience through partnerships with the CBC Radio programme, Ideas, and the University of Alberta Press, while nurturing a vibrant local community of readers and writers both in and beyond the University here in Edmonton. These are just a few of Marie’s many contributions to the vibrant life of this Centre. Through all of her initiatives, Marie made the CLC a warm and hospitable bilingual space connecting the many creative and scholarly communities that animate Canada’s literary culture. Merci, Marie; bonne chance and best wishes in your next adventure!