Dr. Pan Liu (Psychology) was the lucky recipient of the authorized movie T-Shirt!

Taiwanese Film Week (March 25-27) recently concluded at the University of Alberta, attracting around 50 students to both online and in-person screenings. The event, now in its second year, offered insightful portrayals of Taiwan's history, particularly focusing on the White Terror period.

"Untold Herstory" (流麻溝十五號, 2022) and "Taste of Wild Tomato" (野番茄, 2023) captivated audiences with their powerful narratives. "Untold Herstory" shed light on the government's suppression of dissent, following a group of female dissidents confined to Green Island prison. Their stories revealed the harsh realities faced under martial law, highlighting the resilience of individuals amidst oppression.

Meanwhile, "Taste of Wild Tomato" depicted the enduring struggle for justice following the 2-28 Incident. Set in Kaohsiung city, the film portrays civilians' resistance against government brutality and their quest for remembrance.