
The MA thesis-based program in East Asian Studies aims at providing graduate students with advanced disciplinary training and a profound understanding of research methods in Asian cultures. This training will prepare graduates of the program for a variety of careers; it will also provide the basis for the pursuit of more advanced degrees. Many of our graduates go on to top PhD programs in Canada and the USA, while others pursue careers in the public or private sectors, working in government service, in business, or with numerous firms and institutions which require knowledge of East Asian cultures and societies.

Our program is large enough to accommodate students pursuing a wide range of research topics, while small enough to provide students with individualized attention and guidance. Our program structure also allows us to give students a large amount of professional development training, as well as mentoring students in research publication, grant writing, and preparing top applications to doctoral programs. We also have a special program dedicated to helping students who need additional language training prior to beginning their research ("Qualifying Year Abroad"), and we can accept foreign students (including those who already have an MA from an institution in their home countries) who need to adjust to Western research methods before applying to PhD programs in North America.

Faculty members in the Department of East Asian Studies are able to supervise graduate students in the following fields:

  • Chinese Linguistics/Pedagogy
  • Chinese Literature
  • Chinese Art History
  • Japanese Linguistics/Pedagogy
  • Japanese Literature
  • Japanese Art History
  • Japanese Religions
  • Japanese Film
  • East Asian Buddhism
  • East Asian Music
  • Korean Literature
  • Taiwanese Film
  • Ryukyuan Linguistics
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