Moving Forward: Faculty of Education Restructure

 In response to cuts to the Campus Alberta Grant, academic and administrative restructuring under the University of Alberta for Tomorrow (UAT) initiative, and other internal drivers, the Faculty of Education undertook a process of consultation to assess alternate models for academic restructuring in 2020. Faculty and staff were asked to consider how a new academic structure might better serve students while containing costs and reducing administrative responsibilities for academics.

At the November 2, 2021 Faculty Council, the motion to recommend a departmentless structure for the Faculty effective July 1, 2022 was passed. A Steering Committee and Working Groups were formed to begin the work of transitioning operations to the new structure. 

The purpose of this website is to ensure transparency while equipping stakeholders with critical information about the process, principles and guidelines for restructuring, with timelines for decision-making and implementation in order to solicit timely input and feedback.

Guiding principles

  • Attention to the core values as articulated in Education for the Public Good
  • Focus on students and the student experience 
  • An inclusive, supportive and transparent process of implementation 
  • Considerations of equity, diversity and inclusivity as core to the process 
  • Upholding a rich and respectful working and learning environment 
  • Innovation, collaboration and creativity 
  • Advancing excellence and integrity of academic programs 
  • Health and well-being of all members of our community