Support the School
The Alberta School of Business at the University of Alberta has established itself as an international business education leader with support from alumni, corporations, foundations, and partners. Learn more about how you can give and the impact your gift has on teaching, learning and research.

Your Support Makes a Difference
We can't do it without you. Every donation helps.
Your donation's impact
Look what you made possible
Your generous support this past year has been pivotal in establishing the Carruthers Student Commons, creating scholarships and advancing our students' success. As we plan for the future, your ongoing contributions are crucial in helping us shape the next generation of leaders at the Alberta School of Business.
Help Make an Impact
When you invest in the Alberta School of Business, you change the world for the better. You support teaching and learning, spur research and creativity, and make our communities stronger.
Make a GiftContact Us
For more information on how you can support the Alberta School of Business, contact:

Sarah Kowalevsky
Assistant Dean, Development
Phone: 780-492-0147

Melissa Kastellic
Development Associate
Phone: 780-248-5828