Observation de la Journée du Chandail Orange 2019

Les membres de la communauté du Campus Saint-Jean sont invités à participer en portant un chandail orange lundi 30 septembre.

27 septembre 2019

Le 30 septembre 2019, le Campus Saint-Jean et l'Université de l'Alberta encouragent tous les membres de la communauté de l'Université à porter un chandail de couleur orange pour rendre hommage aux vies perdues et détruites des enfants volés, et placés en pensionnats (Indian Residential Schools).

Continuation du texte en anglais:

One of the greatest impacts of IRS was cultural genocide; this is why we decided to turn this painful history into a positive one, to reclaim this time of year, and get back to our cultural and traditional roots in post-secondary. Just because our students leave their homefires to continue their academic journey does not mean they leave behind their traditions. We need to uphold them and provide them space to connect and reconnect with traditions and culture.
Orange Shirt Day is a day for coming together to discuss moving toward a journey of respect and equal partnerships for a greater outcome of reconciliation. This journey of reconciliation is a lifelong relationship that needs to be nourished and cherished, with clear communication, kindness, and honesty.

We encourage you to wear this orange shirt on September 30, and post pictures of yourself using the hashtag #OrangeShirtDay and #UAlberta. We want to make every Orange Shirt Day a day of giving back to the First Nation, Métis, and Inuit learners at the University of Alberta. We welcome your support in whatever capacity you are able to give at this time!

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez visiter le site de la First Peoples' House.